Harrogate Wines | Birrapedia
Paulaner Oktoberfest 500ml

United Kingdom Harrogate Wines

Paulaner Oktoberfest 500ml

Such a popular Such a clean refreshing beer with a lovely dry finish.  Easy drinking and easy to see ... why this is classed as such a benchmark brewery. 


Spaten Oktoberfest 500ml

United Kingdom Harrogate Wines

Spaten Oktoberfest 500ml

Spaten’s Oktoberfestbier is classically clean and crisp with a biscuity malt and lovely herbaceous h ...op character. Always a favourite and often the first one to sell out. 


Weihenstephen Festbier 500ml

United Kingdom Harrogate Wines

Weihenstephen Festbier 500ml

Weihenstephan could not be more historic! It goes back 1000 years and it was also the monastery brew ...ery of the Benedictine monks. This is brewed for Ocktoberfest.


We pride ourselves on our ability to find wines of character and value, and that combined with the down-to-earth advice we offer makes us the ideal place to find the bottle you require.