Beer Paradise
GWYNT Y DDRAIG CIDER Autumn Magic 4.0%
Product DetailsWild blackberries have grown for generations, covering the hedgerows in the autumn wi ...PD SCORE 3.6 RATEBEER SCORE BREWERY INFO GWYNT Y DDRAIGGwynt Y Ddraig is a family-owned and operated business that produces award-winning Welsh ciders. The company was founded in 200, making ...
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Wobbly Duck
The brewery say: Apples and Blackberries - what a wonderfully traditional and winning combination! O ... Cider & Blackberry bursts with a fruity aroma, reminiscent of enchanting autumn days. Brewery Gwynt Y Ddraig (Pont ...
Beer Ritz
GWYNT Y DDRAIG CIDER Autumn Magic - a medium cider infused with wild blackberries