Caps and Taps
Beer of spontaneous fermentation, the Oude Kriek de Schaerbeek Tilquin à l'ancienne is made from ... the fermentation of 320 g of Schaerbeek cherries by liter of lambic. Unfiltered and unpasteurized, this beer is refermented in the bottle
The Drop Brighton
Gueuzerie Tilquin - Oude Kriek de Schaerbeek à l'ancienne (2023-2024)
Beer of spontaneous fermentation, the Oude Kriek de Schaerbeek Tilquin à l'ancienne is made from ... the fermentation of 320 g of Schaerbeek cherries by liter of lambic. Unfiltered and unpasteurized, this beer is refermented in the bottle
Wee Beer Shop
Tilquin Oude Kriek Cherry Sour
Description Tilquin’s first ever Kriek. Why did it take so long to marry the intense Belgian ...Schaerbeeks sweet and sour cherries to Pierre’s excellent lambic. 320 grams per litre is the amount of fruit added for super cherry madness. 5.5% 750ml bottle