Gourpass | Birrapedia
Razón Social: Gourpass S.L.
Dirección: Illueca 5, Esc.2 10ºC 50008 Zaragoza Spain
Registro Sanitario:
Exportamos cervezas, acercamos sensaciones.
Nos dedicamos a exportar cerveza artesana canadiense de alta calidad a Europa con el principal objetivo de acercar los valores representativos de Canadá y sus cervecerías a los amantes de la cerveza en un viaje de sensaciones.
Trabajando juntos por la frescura y la calidad.
We’re dedicated to export high quality Canadian craft beer to Europe with the main goal of approaching the representative values from Canada and its breweries to beer lovers in a sensations trip.
We’re committed to the exquisite care of the provider-importer-distributor-customer chain.
Our relationship with producers is close, we consider ourselves as travel partners discovering new sensations.
Our agreement with distributors go through direct contact to value their knowledge, dedication to the project and care of the product, achieving synergy to facilitate the spread of the original values.