Ghost Whale
St Bernardus - Pater 6 - 6.7% (330ml)
"St.Bernardus Pater 6 is brewed according to the classic Dubbel style with a recipe that dates ...d to as ‘een Paterke' in Belgium, which is a Dutch nickname for a monk. St.Bernardus Pater 6 is a chestnut-brown, dark beer w ...
Ghost Whale
Brouwerij Rodenbach - Rodenbach Grand Cru - 6% (330ml)
"This is an aged Belgian red ale, which is ‘ripened quietly in oak barrels for two years’, acco ...much like a slightly sour red wine or possibly a gueuze. In the mouth it is slightly sweet, extremely acidic and fruity, with ...
Ghost Whale
Huyghe - Delirium Noel Gift Box - 10% (4x330ml)
Special gift pack of 4 classic Delirium Noel bottles with a Delirium glass. Perfect Christmas gift.
Ghost Whale
Westmalle - Tripel - 9.5% (330ml)
Was first brewed in 1934 and the recipe has not changed since 1956. It is made with pale candy sugar ...sed along with some German varieties and the classic Saaz pilsener hop. After a long secondary fermentation, the Tripel ...
Ghost Whale
Westmalle - Extra - 4.8% (330ml)
Westmalle Extra is the table beer served to the monks and their guests and is brewed with water, bar ...Extra is also top-fermented but it is considerably lighter, at 4.8%, alcohol-by-volume than its brother brews. It has th ...
Ghost Whale
Westmalle - Dubbel - 7% (330ml)
Westmalle Dubbel is a dark, reddish-brown Trappist beer with a secondary fermentation in the bottle. ...s. The flavour is rich and complex, herby and fruity with a fresh-bitter finish. It is a balanced quality beer with a soft feel in the mouth and a long, dry aftertaste. The Dubbel contains 7% alc ...
Ghost Whale
3 Fonteinen - Cuvee Armand & Gaston #28 2324 - 6.5% (375ml)
"This is the very first fully organic blend of our flagship geuze in small bottles: a true terr ...r different barrels and eight different brews, all brewed with grains from our Cereal Collective in and around Pajottenland. More ...
Ghost Whale
Oud Beersel - Bzart Kriekenlambiek Millésime 2023 - 8.5% (750ml)
"New edition. Instead of 'regular' Lambic, Cherry Lambic was used as the base for this ...e tirage', then 'remuage' and 'dégorgement' and no addition of 'liqueur d'expédition'." ...
Ghost Whale
Cantillon - Kriek 100% Lambic Bio - 5% (750ml)
Cantillon - "Beer with a slightly acidic taste of red fruit complemented with subtle almond fla ... upper hand, but this is at the expense of the fruit component." ** Due to the rare nature of Cantillon beers, we have to l ...
Ghost Whale
De la Senne - Wadesda #9 - 8% (330ml)
"An evolution of the very first Wadesda, a blend of Jambe-de-Bois and Cantillon lambic, making ...nd has those typical characteristics of Lambic: woody with a strong funky nose of Brettanomyces, with quince and fallen apple ...
Ghost Whale
Alvinne - Cuvee John & Marjon Batch #2 - 7.5% (330ml)
"Blend of morpheus saison & Cuvee Theo aged on a chateauneuf du pape foeder. Dryhopped ...with krush HBC586"