Belgas Online SPONSOR
Descripción De Cam Rabarber ’19 75cl Lámbica con ruibarbo. 45kg de fruta por 100 litros de l ...ámbica joven.
26,00 €
Etre Gourmet
The light red "Valantine" rhubarb is harvested in the spring. It is used for wine and now also for f ...ermentation with lambic in wooden barrels. 45KG of fruit for 100 liters of young lambic.
27,78 €
The Triangle
De Cam - Rabarber Lambiek - 7.2% Rhubarb Lambic - 750ml Bottle
7.2% Rhubarb Lambic 750ml Bottle The light red Valentine Rhubarb is harvested in the spring. 45 on 100 litres of young Lambik.
Albicocche e Rabarbaro sono stati aggiunti nella loro interezza. Sono stati aggiunti 40 kg di frutti ...alto d’orzo, albicocche e rabarbaro. Non pastorizzato e non filtrato, rifermentato spontaneamente in bottiglia. ...
28,20 €
The light red 'valantine' rhubarb is harvested in the spring. It is used for wine and now al for fermentation with lambic fermented in wooden barrels. 45 kilograms per 100 liters of young lambic. Size: 750ml ABV: 7.2%