Thirsty Cambridge
Augustiner Helles Lager 5.2% 500ml
Quite simply one of the best lagers in the world. Made according to the German Purity law its made w ...ith all Bavarian hops and malt, then given a long secondary fermentation to make for a crisp, smooth beer with a lightly hoppy finish. It's the ultimate summer beer and absurdly drinkable.
Thirsty Cambridge
Burnt Mill Helles GF Lager 4% 440ml(
Refreshing and crisp lager ready to quench your thirst. Malty notes and a rounded spiced aroma leads ... the way to a light bitterness and gentle notes of fruit.
Thirsty Cambridge
Mahrs Helles Helles 4.9% 500ml
A creamy, compact head crowns the glass. Brilliant, delicately pearled with bubbles, and golden yell ...s. The body is pure, mild, discretely aromatic, coupled with a slight sweetness. The finish is soft, with a hint of malt ...