Independent Spirit of Bath
Strong, Franconian beer specialty. Full-bodied and spicy in taste - a pleasure for the palate for th ...e cold season. 1x 500ML 5.4%ABV
Independent Spirit of Bath
A warming seasonal golden ale by Ridgeway brewery. Tis a heavy hand what adds the hops to this festi ...s treasured brew. Pull up a sturdy chair, let's fill up yer best flagon with the season's finest natural ale, and I'll tell you a dark tale of elf and woe. 'Ere's to your elf! 1x500ML 4.5%ABV ...
Independent Spirit of Bath
Samuel Smiths - Winter Welcome
This rich and full bodied seasonal beer is a limited edition brewed for the short days and long nigh malt character, which will appeal to a broad range of drinkers, is balanced against whole-dried Fuggle and Golding hops. 1 x 550ml 6%ABV ...