MASH COLLAB DIPA elaborada con los californianos Humble Sea. Nuestros amigos de Santa Cruz están haciendo unas IPAS con lo mejor de ambas costas y quisimos un toque de eso. Piensa tu zumo favorito y dale un toque amargo y un cuerpo apenas
suave para darle una experiencia más bebible. las bases estan en el whrilpool, el cual tiene una generosa dosis del combo clásico de las west coast columbus, simcoe, centennial, dándole un fondo de resina y cítrico. Luego, un dry hop coosal de Mosaic T90, Mosaic BBC, Cryo Idaho 7 y Chinook le dan montones de Mango, albaricoque, cítrico y un toque a piel de pomelo. Las maltas pálidas y poco invasivas, le dan un cuerpo suave y sedoso.
MASH COLLAB DIPA with California’s Humble Sea. Our friends over in Santa Cruz, California are making some killer hazys but with a West Coast touch and we wanted a piece of that resin. Think your favourite hazy and then give it a satisfying bitterness and slightly leaner body to give a moreish drinking experience. The foundations are layed in the whirlpool which was heavily dosed with the classic west coast combo of Columbus, Simcoe, Centennial giving a background of all things pine, citrus and dankness. Then a colossal dry hop of Mosaic T90, Mosaic BBC, Cryo Idaho 7 and Chinook lead to lots of mango, apricot, citrus and a slight hint of grapefruit zest. A super pale and univasive malt bill provide a smooth silky body. Ver menos
Double New England IPA. dry hop of Mosaic T90, Mosaic BBC, Cryo Idaho 7 and Chinook lead to lots of, apricot, citrus and a slight hint of grapefruit zest