Beer Butik
Funky Fluid - 30°Gelato XTREME: Bianco 0,5l can 8% alc.
Další díl naší vysoce hodnocené série Gelato XTREME! Do tohoto piva jsme použili dvakrát více ovoce ...:// Another part of our highly rated Gelato XTREME series! We used twice as much fruit in this beer than in "ordinary" Gelato. This time - ...
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Funky Fluid Gelato XTREME: Bianco 30°8% 0,5l
Another part of our highly rated Gelato XTREME series! We used twice as much fruit in this beer than ... in “ordinary” Gelato. This time – white guava, banana and lychee, plus vanilla and marshmallows. 30blg
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