Funky Fluid - Gelato: Figs & Bananas
In the latest twist of our sweet-and-tangy beer series we're introducing a fruit that's neve ...r been in Gelato before - figs! We've mixed fig puree with bananas, creating something super intense and juicy.
6,89 €
Funky Fluid - Gelato: Figs & Bananas
Smoothie Sour with a fruit that's never been in Gelato before - figs! The brewers have mixed fi ...g puree with bananas, creating something super intense and jui...
6,79 €
Dokter Bier
Funky Fluid Gelato: Figs & Bananas
In the latest twist of our sweet-and-tangy beer series we're introducing a fruit that's never been i ...n Gelato before - figs! We've mixed fig puree with bananas, creating something super intense and juicy. 18blg
6,19 €
Mister Hop
Funky Fluid Gelato: Figs & Bananas
De gelato serie is altijd een waar succes. Ditmaal een vrucht die nog nooit eerder gebruikt is, name ...lijk vijg. Naast banaan geeft het een heerlijk zoete, plakkerige smaak met een iets te dikke body.
7,00 €
De Biersalon
Funky Fluid Gelato: Figs & Bananas
In the latest twist of our sweet-and-tangy beer series we're introducing a fruit that's ne ...ver been in Gelato before - figs! We've mixed fig puree with bananas, creating something super intense and juicy.
6,39 €