Premier Hop
Evensong Brewing Canon - Farmhouse Ale Saison
Table Beer Brewed in February 2022 with pilsner malt, spelt, flaked wheat and wheat malt. Bittered w ...over 6 weeks with our favourite saison strain and a pair of brett strains that showcase white wine characteristics and the lighter side of funk. Dry hopped with 5g/l of Saaz. Lagered for an addit ...
Sin Stock
Brew Cavern
Description Canon. Brewed in February 2022 with pilsner malt, spelt, flaked wheat and wheat malt. B ...ess steel over 6 weeks with our favourite saison strain and a pair of brett strains that showcase white wine characteristics and the lighter side of funk. Dry hopped with 5g/l of Saaz. Lagered f ...
Sin Stock
Brewed in February 2022 with pilsner malt, spelt, flaked wheat and wheat malt. Bittered with EKG and ...s with our favourite saison strain and a pair of brett strains that showcase white wine characteristics and the lighter ...
Sin Stock
Heaton Hops
Brewed in February 2022 with pilsner malt, spelt, flaked wheat and wheat malt. Bittered with EKG and ... late additions of Saaz and Celeia.
Sin Stock
Caps and Taps
Evensong Canon Table Beer 3.4% (750ml)
Bottle Conditioned Mixed Ferm Table Beer
Sin Stock