Love Wine
Estrella Galicia 0.0 Alcohol ...
Estrella Galicia Lager 0.0% is a delicious alcohol free beer which boasts the golden colour of a typ ...weet flavour that is slightly bitter. Best served ice-cold, straight from the bottle. Significantly, Estrella Galicia has made non-alcoholic beer since 1988 and now sells millions of litres ...
Wise Bartender
Non Alcoholic Estrella Galicia Zero Alcohol Free Estrella Galicia (0%ABV)
Estrella Galicia was popular under testing with lager drinkers. This is not only a worthy replacemen beer developed through an interrupted fermentation process. Estrella Galicia 0.0, our delicious alcohol free beer, boasts the golden colour of a typical Pilsner style beer. Estrella Galicia 0. ...
The Alcohol Free Co
APPEARANCE Golden colour, typical of a Pilsener beer. AROMA Reminds the malts and cereals used in ...brewing, with subtle and floral hoppy notes. FLAVOUR Pleasantly sweet and slightly bitter. 250ml bottles