Style: IIPAABV: 8,0%Size: 473ML"MC² tastes like succulent mango juice loaded with chewy hop res ...ins. It’s very drinkable for 8.0%; be careful, this one can sneak up on you."
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MC² is the bigger, bolder sibling of Photon. Inspired by the fascinating connection between energy a ...emarkable beer. It pays homage to the balanced and proportional relationship between energy and mass, symbolized by the speed of a photon squared. Pouring a captivating hazy tangerine color, MC² ...
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Vi kan med stor fornøjelse og glæde for øje og mund præsentere vores JULESTOUT; Lækker chokolade bru ...n stout, der kan vække det bedste i vores smagsløg. Bryggeren har fundet lækre special ristede malte til denne jule-stout, der giver, stouten sin egen særlige smagsoplevelse!
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