Wiper And True
A big, bold DIPA-strength and very limited edition batch of our flagship beer, Kaleidoscope. Our bre ...avour-aroma qualities you know and love from Kaleidoscope and quite literally doubling them. Twice the hops for bigger flavours of tropical juice with citrus zestiness. Loads more wheat for a thi ...
(4x5.25) £21.00
Alpha Bottle Shop & Tap
Wiper and True Brewery. KaleiDIPA [DIPA]
Country: UK // Style: DIPA // Size: 440ml Can // ABV: 8.4% From the brewery: "We’re celebr ...f our flagship beer, Kaleidoscope. Our brewers have really gone to town to bring you the biggest beer we’ve brewed in years, taking all the flavour-aroma qualities you know and love from Kaleidos ...