Yarlington Mill, Blenheim Orange, Harry Masters Jersey, Tremlett's Bitter and Browns. The variet ...pershells. It is a small orchard but a perfectly formed orchard on great soil in Compton Dando. 2021 was the first vintage B ...
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Cork & Cask
Description This is the first taste of a new orchard to us, and we are really happy to say it’ ...p of a hill in Compton Dando, this is the sister orchard of our other new one, Burlands, which is just down the hill. Peppershells has a good mix of varieties and the fruit in 2021 was of excel ...
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Otherworld Brewing ( antigua duplicada)
Description This is the first taste of a new orchard to us, and we are really happy to say it’ ...p of a hill in Compton Dando, this is the sister orchard of our other new one, Burlands, which is just down the hill. Peppershells has a good mix of varieties and the fruit in 2021 was of excel ...
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The Cat In The Glass
Wilding Peppershells 2021 (750ml)
Description Single orchard selection, rural method, medium. Yarlington Mill, Bleinheim ...fectly formed orchard on great soil in Compton Dando. This is our first vintage renting this orchard and this is a single orchard selection using the best of the fruit this year. The result is in ...
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Fine Cider
Wilding Cider Peppershells 2021. Peppershells 2021
Still Medium Fine Cider Yarlington Mill, Blenheim Orange, Harry Masters Jersey, Tremlett's Bitte ...ously named orchard, Peppershells. It is a small orchard but a perfectly formed orchard on great soil in Compton Dando. 2021 was the first vintage Beccy and Sam started renting this orchard, and ...
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Elston & Son
Wilding Cider Peppershells 2021
Item Description: A single orchard blend of Yarlington Mill, Blen ...w one to the Wilding stable. The resulting cider is intensely rich and concentrated, with cooked fruit and spice aromas and a great tannic backbone. Great with cheeses, both creamy bold blue chee ...
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