Etre Gourmet
"A 50/50 blend of barrel aged Gold with fresh Gold that has just completed primary fermentation. Thi ...up like that though, as Gold is 100% barrel aged. We love the fresh fermentation esters and bright hop character we get in our young fermentations. This is what we focus on in beers like The Inte ...
24,53 €
Caps and Taps
Wildflower Blendery & Brewery Wildflower Good As Gold 12 5% (750ml)
The latest beers to enter our fridges and shelves here at Caps and Taps, Tufnell Park.
Thirsty Cambridge
Wildflower Good As Gold Blend 13 Aussie Golden Wild Ale 5% 750ml
This is Blend 13 from the Aussie mixed ferm specialists. Soft citrus with a farmyard-y hay like fun note. Touch of oaky spice. This beer breathes the essence of the Victorian (the Australian region not the English queen. C'mon now.) countryside.
The Cat In The Glass
Wildflower Good as gold (750ml)
Description 50/50 blended golden barrel aged wild ale. 50/50 is a blend of barrel aged ... gold with fresh Gold that has just completed primary fermentation. The fresh Gold is added to a blend of 19 month old Gold and 18 month old Gold. 750ml. 5%
Beer Shop HQ
Country: AU | Style: Sour | Size: 750ml | %ABV: 5 From Wildflower: Good as Gold is a 50/50 blend of ... barrel aged Gold with fresh Gold that has just completed primary ferm
Out of Stock
Wildflower - Good as Gold (Blend 16)
Style: Wild AleABV: 5,0%Size: 750ML50/50 Blend of BA "Gold" Wild Ale & Fresh " ...;Gold"
Out of Stock
*Pre-Order, shipping around 03/06 A 50/50 blend of barrel aged Gold with fresh Gold that has just c ...ended for our Gold. It didn't end up like that though, as Gold is 100% barrel aged. We love the fresh fermentation esters and bright hop character we get in our young fermentations. This is ...
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Ghost Whale
Wildflower - Good As Gold - 5% (750ml)
"50/50 Blended Golden Barrel Aged Wild Ale A 50/50 blend of barrel aged Gold, with fresh Gold t get in their young fermentations with the funk, creamy mouthfeel and complex fermentation flavours of aged beer." ...
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Craft Central
A 50/50 blend of barrel aged Gold with fresh Gold that has just completed primary fermentation. This ...nd up like that though, as Gold is 100% barrel aged.We love the fresh fermentation esters and bright hop character we get in ...
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Cambridge Wine Merchants
Wildflower Good as Gold #12 Wild Ale 5.0% 75cl Bottle
50/50 Blended Golden Barrel Aged Wild Ale 50/50 is a blend of barrel aged Gold with fresh Gold that ...has just completed primary fermentation. The Fresh gold is added to a blend of 19 month old Gold & 18 month old Gold
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Cantina Brassicola Digitale
Wildflower Good as Gold Blend #12 75cl
Descrizione Primo birrificio australiano disponibile sulla nostra cantina digitale! Wildflower Br ...Festival sa di cosa stiamo parlando, si tratta di un progetto dedicato alla fermentazione spontanea e mista di mosti di birra, situato nel New South Wales. Le birre sour e e funky realizzate of ...
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Temple Cellars
Wildflower Good As Gold (Blend #17)
ORIGIN: AustraliaABV: 5%VOL: 750mlSTYLE: Australian Wild Ale Gold is 100% barrel aged. Gold is a ble ..., 1731 (14 month old Gold), 1734 (6 month old Gold) and 1742 (4 month old Gold).Gold Blend #17 opens with a rich stonefr ...
Out of Stock
Thirsty Cambridge
Wildflower Good As Gold Blend 13 Aussie Golden Wild Ale 5% 750ml
This is Blend 13 from the Aussie mixed ferm specialists. Soft citrus with a farmyard-y hay like fun note. Touch of oaky spice. This beer breathes the essence of the Victorian (the Australian region not the English queen. C'mon now.) countryside.
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Saccharomyces Beer Cafe
Wildflower Good As Gold 750ml Btl Sgl
Wildflower Good As Gold is a blend of wood-aged and unaged beer. The usual blends of Wildflower Gold ...roma and texture. Good As Gold takes 50% beer aged in wooden barrels and 50% fresh beer that has just completed primary fermentation. BREWERY: Wild Flower Brewing & BlendingSTYLE: Austral ...
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