Westmalle Tripel 9.5% (330ml bottle)
A strong, dry and spicy trappist ale. The product of a secondary fermentation lasting 5 weeks. This ...h, with a bitter touch carried by the fruity aroma. An exceptional ale, with a great deal of finesse and elegance, and with a splendid long after taste. ...
The Beer Cellar
Westmalle Tripel is a clear, golden yellow Trappist beer that undergoes a secondary fermentation in ... is soft and creamy in the mouth, with a bitter touch carried by the fruity aroma. An exceptional beer, with a great dea ...
Farbe: Trüblich gold. Geschmack: Würzig-scharf, Hefe und Malz harmonieren gut. Besonderheit: Lange ...r, bitterer Abgang, muss nicht unbedingt eiskalt sein, Nachgärung in der Flasche.
14,90 €
Blackrock Cellar
Westmalle Tripel is a clear Trappist beer, golden-yellow in colour, with amazingly fruity aromas of ...ith a mild taste and a creamy mouth feel, yielding bitter notes supported by fruit aromas. Enjoy the lingering, dry fini ...
4,65 €
Craft & Draft
Brouwerij der Trappisten van Westmalle Westmalle Tripel
Produzida pela primeira vez em 1934, a sua receita mantém-se inalterada desde 1956. Uma mistura de m ...mãs e com o clássico Saaz pilsener. Com fermentação secundária, esta cerveja só melhora com a idade! ...
3,90 €
Independent Spirit of Bath
Deep golden colour with a dense head leads the way for complex flavours and aromas. Boozy spice and ...citrus notes, peach, coriander and a medium bitter finish. 1 x 330ml 9.5%ABV
Rus Beer
Вестмалле Траппист Трипель / Westmalle Trappist Tripel (0,33 л.) ...
544.00 ₽
Drankenhandel Leiden / Speciaalbierpakket.nl
Bestel Westmalle Tripel 75cl online - Eenvoudig bestellen - Snel bezorgd - Leverbaar uit voorraad - ...Scherpe prijzen.
7,95 €
Birra e Birre
La Westmalle Tripel è la madre di tutte le tripel, prodotta dal celebre birrificio trappista di Mall ...ma bianca fine. Al naso sprigiona note fruttate di banana matura e sfumature maltate e luppolate. L’aroma è complesso, basato sulle note erbacee di luppolo, che caratterizza la birra, insie ...
3,60 €
Rus Beer
Вестмалле Траппист Трипель / Westmalle Trappist Tripel (в тубе) (0.75 л.) ...
2.00 ₽
Blackrock Cellar
Westmalle Tripel was first brewed in 1934. This ‘mother of all tripels’ is a world reference for the ...of the abbey’s new brewing hall. The recipe was adjusted in 1956 but ever since then the recipe has remained unchanged. ...
12,50 €
Westmalle Triple es una cerveza belga con un sabor refrescante. Contiene alrededor del 10% de alcoho ...l. La cerveza se elabora con maltas de cebada, lúpulo, azúcar, levadura y agua. Tiene un aroma dulce de plátano pero proporciona un lúpulo amargo como fondo de la sinfonía de aromas...
2,53 €
Westmalle Tripel 9,5% - 24 x 33 cl MW
Das Bier ist mit einem weißen, weichen und üppigen Schaum bedeckt. Dieses komplexe Bier setzt frucht ... vollen Geschmack und eine dezent süße Note gekennzeichnet, die von einem Fruchtaroma und einem Hauch von Bitter ... ...
(24x3.6) CHF86.40
Westmalle Trappist Tripel 9,5% 330 ml
Untappd Rating: 3.82 Alkoholgehalt: 9.5 % vol. IBU: 40.0 Brauerei: Brouwerij der Trappi ...sten van Westmalle (Malle, Vlaanderen) Style: Belgian Tripel
3,49 €
Westmalle Trappist Tripel 9,5% 75cl
Westmalle Tripel er den honninggyldne Tripel øl med smag af frugtig malt af blommer og kirsebær, ban ...angær og kryddernellike gær. Af aromaer bevæger Westmalle Tripel sig indenfor det frugtige spektre med noter af urter og humle. Den har vundet Belgian-Style Tripel i World Beer Cup i 2012.
75,00 DKK
Beer Vikings
Funky Drummer van het Eindhovense Van Moll. Een “Superfruity Funky IPA” volgens de brou ...wers. Ik omschrijf het liever als een hoppige, licht fruitig en eerder moutige IPA met een matige bitterheid.
2,00 €
Das Tripel beschwört die belgische Seele in deinem Glas lange währender Hopfengenuss mit einer Vie ...Finish spürbar. Sanft cremig mit einem Anklang von in Honig geschwenkten Bananen, malzigen Reminiszenzen an Karamell und würzigem Pfeffer: Dieses komplexe Ale lässt dich erahnen, welche Genüsse i ...
2,99 €
Castle Off Licence - Nutsaboutwine
Westmalle Trappist Tripel (75cl)
Westmalle Tripel is a clear Trappist beer, golden-yellow in colour, with amazingly fruity aromas of ...with a mild taste and a creamy mouth feel, yielding bitter notes supported by fruit aromas. Enjoy the lingering, dry finish. The complex character of a Westmalle Tripel is derived from the slow ...
9,99 €
The Beer Cellar
Westmalle Tripel is a clear, golden yellow Trappist beer that undergoes a secondary fermentation in ... is soft and creamy in the mouth, with a bitter touch carried by the fruity aroma. An exceptional beer, with a great dea ...
(24x6.88) $165.00
Hops ’N More
Westmalle - Westmalle Tripel - 33cl
Craft Beer Bottle Shop with a unique selection from Belgium, Europe and the rest of the world.
4,00 €
La Compagnie des Bonnes Bouteilles
Complexe et oscillant entre arômes de houblon et de levure. Offre une bouche intense et soyeuse. C' ...est une redécouverte perpétuelle !
2,90 €
Bath Road Beers
Description 9.5% abv 330 ml Trappist style triple ale from Belgium
100 Beers
Светла силна бира със златист цвят и алкохолно съдържание 9.5 %. Отличава се с вкус на хмел, лека го ...рчивина и плодов аромат с нотки на ванилия и дълъг, сух и
Drinks Explorer
Westmalle Tripel - 75 cl - 75 cl
Bière trappiste exceptionnelle, pleine de finesse et d'élégance.
7,50 €
Drinks Explorer
Bière trappiste exceptionnelle, pleine de finesse et d'élégance.
2,90 €
Bierhandel Blond & Stout
Westmalle Tripel wordt gebrouwen door Brouwerij Abdij der Trappisten van Westmalle in Malle, België. ...egant en complex bier wat goed combineert met vis- en vleesgerechten, pittige kazen en desserts. De drinktemperatuur is 10°C. ...
2,15 €
Westmalle Trappist Tripel 9,5% 33cl
Westmalle Tripel er den honninggyldne Tripel øl med smag af frugtig malt af blommer og kirsebær, ban ...angær og kryddernellike gær. Af aromaer bevæger Westmalle Tripel sig indenfor det frugtige spektre med noter af urter og humle. Den har vundet Belgian-Style Tripel i World Beer Cup i 2012.
33,00 DKK
Beer Head
Westmalle Tripel Trappist Ale 330ml Bottle
A strong, dry and spicy Trappist ale. The product of a secondary fermentation lasting 5 weeks. This ...h, with a bitter touch carried by the fruity aroma. An exceptional ale, with a great deal of finesse and elegance, and with a splendid long after taste. ABV 9.5% ...
3,85 €
Widmer Bierspezialitäten
Belgisches Tripel Ein starkes helles Trappistenbier aus der Abtei Westmalle
Al meer dan 200 jaar kiezen de monniken van Westmalle voor een leven van gebed en arbeid. Trouw aan ...en van de trappistenabdij een boerderij, een kaasmakerij en een brouwerij. Die houden ze bewust kleinschalig, met bijzondere zorg voor mens en milieu. ...
55,96 €
Bier Circus
Bière blonde orangée. Nez sur la levure, les agrumes, note herbacée. Goût de céréale, légèrement car ...amélisée, fruité (banane). Amertume en fin de bouche.
2,38 €
Known as the “Mother of Tripels”, this gorgeous beer is thought to be the first example of the Belgi ..., with banana bread-like flavours and herbal notes to balance the sweetness. It’s both the original and best tripel beer, and a shining example of how good Trappist beers can be. 330ml bottle, 9 ...
Castle Off Licence - Nutsaboutwine
Westmalle Tripel is a clear Trappist beer, golden-yellow in colour, with amazingly fruity aromas of ...with a mild taste and a creamy mouth feel, yielding bitter notes supported by fruit aromas. Enjoy the lingering, dry finish. The complex character of a Westmalle Tripel is derived from the slow ...
4,00 €
EINWEGFLASCHE Farbe: Trüblich gold. Geschmack: Würzig-scharf, Hefe und Malz harmonieren gut. Beso ...nderheit: Langer, bitterer Abgang, muss nicht unbedingt eiskalt sein, Nachgärung in der Flasche.
4,60 €
Drankenhandel Leiden / Speciaalbierpakket.nl
Bestel Westmalle Tripel online - Eenvoudig bestellen - Snel bezorgd - Leverbaar uit voorraad - Scher ...pe prijzen.
2,60 €