Dokter Bier
A fun-size version of a Vault City classic, packed to the brim with all the chocolatey, caramel good ...ness of the original but now with a slightly more sessionable ABV. Chocolate malt, vanilla and caramelised brown sugar meld with mountains of cacao nibs i
6,29 €
En sjov version af en Vault City-klassiker, spækket til randen med al den chokoladeagtige, karamelag ...ramelliseret brun farin smelter sammen med bjerge af kakaonibs i denne fyldige stout, der hylder den mægtige m*rs-bar ...
59,00 DKK
Crafty Fingers
Mini M*rs Stout 6.2% Vault City, Scotland Chocolate malt, vanilla and caramelised brown sugar meld w ...ith mountains of cacao nibs in this full-bodied stout, paying homage to the mighty m*rs bar.
Just in Beer
Vault City Brewing - Mini M*rs
A fun-size version of a Vault City classic, packed to the brim with all the chocolatey, caramel good ...ness of the original but now with a slightly more sessionable ABV. Chocolate malt, vanilla and caramelised brown sugar meld with mountains of cacao nibs i
7,00 €
Vault City BrewingMilk Stout44cl6,2% Mini M*rs
Vault City Brewing|Milk Stout|44cl|6,2%
6,50 €
Clapton Craft
Vault City Nitro Mini M*rs Pastry Stout
A fun-size version of a Vault City classic, packed to the brim with all the chocolatey, caramel good ...ness of the original but now with a slightly more sessionable ABV.
Натхненні батончиком Mars пивовари додали в це пиво шоколадний солод, ваніль, карамелізований коричн ...евий цукор та боби какао. Вийшло шоколадно та карамельно.
479 грн.
Beyond Beer
Dekadentes Pastry Stout aus Schottland! Angelehnt an den Schoko-Riegel-Klassiker, haben Vault City dem Mini M*rs ein wunderbares Pastry Stout rausgehauen. Intensive Noten von Schokolade und Vanille verbinden sich mit einer tollen Süße.
6,99 €
Mas Que Cervezas
Ficha Técnica Nombre del Producto: Mini Mars - Stellar Stout - Vault City Categoría: Cerveza Artesan ... dulces clásicos en una cerveza indulgente y accesible. Con un contenido alcohólico del 6.2%, esta cerveza está enriquec ...
5,99 €