Cantina della Birra
Caratteristiche e degustazioni ... Gusto prevalente Amaro ...
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Uiltje Mosaic Mammoth NEDIPA 44 Cl. (lattina)
Produttore: Uiltje Stile: NEIPA Sapore: Amaro Grado Alcolico: 8,00%
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Craftbeer Shop
Uiltje Mosaic Mammoth NEIPA 0,44l
Das Mosaic Mammoth NEIPA von Uiltje wird ausschließlich mit Mosaic-Aromahopfen hergestellt und kommt ... auf satte 8,0 % vol.
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La Mise en Bière
Uiltje Brewing Company Het Uiltje - Mosaic Mammoth - 8% - 44cl - Can
Plus c'est gros, mieux c'est ! C'est l'idée que nous avons eue pour cette New England Double IPA, r ...stache. La New England IIPA est le style vers lequel nous nous tournons le plus souvent ces jours-ci, et nous l'adorons ! ...
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Top Of The Hops
Bigger is Better! That was our idea on this mosaic filled New England, Double Dry hopped, Double I ...PA. 8% alcohol, just like his predecessor Mosaic Moustache. The New England IIPA is the style we turn to more often these days, and oh boy, do we love ‘em! 440ml.
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Het Uiltje
Uiltje Summerstorm Backyard BBQ blik 44cl
Een New England, Double Dryhopped, Double IPA....
Out of Stock
Acquista online Birra Uiltje Mosaic Mammoth 44cl al prezzo di 5,52 € euro. Interessante interpretazi ...erbacei e fruttati. Al palato è succosa, con note amare di mandarino, ananas e sfumature erbacee. Maltata e ben bilanciata. ...
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