Beer Republic
Our "small birds" are a series of pale ales experimenting with combinations of adjunct gra ...of these experiments in an amped-up Double IPA form. One of the hoppiest beers we've made to date, Big Bird is featuring a new sig ...
9,29 €
Mister Hop
Big Bird van Trillium Brewing Company is een Double IPA die met zijn 9% ABV hoog in de wolken zweeft ... die je smaakpapillen doet fladderen.Denk aan aroma’s van sappige mango, rijpe ananas en een vleugje grapefruit. De zachte bitterheid zorgt voor een perfect uitgebalanceerd geheel. Big Bird is ee ...
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A titkos komlózás itt, a lime, mandarin, grapefruit, kiwi és dinnyék ízeiben fejeződik ki- DIPA. ...ásával. A késői és/vagy hidegkomlózási technikákra támaszkodik, hogy kirobbanóan lédús, trópusi gyümölcsös íz- és illatélményt nyújtson. Színe általában baracklére emlékeztet. A technika és az ...
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Cervecería La Abadía
Los fuertes sabores cítricos de tarta de lima, mandarina y pulpa de pomelo picante conducen a un per ...tropical de Big Bird en el paladar se equilibra en el final con un amargor suave a base de hierbas. ...
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Trillium Big Bird (canned 9-4-24)
Beschrijving IPA – Imperial / Double New England / Hazy One of the hoppiest beers we’v that zaps the senses with aromas of lime, overripe papaya, and pithy citrus. Flavors of pineapple and tangy grapefruit are balanced by a light body and dank, resinous finish. Alc. 8,5% Inhou ...
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J&B Craft Drinks
Double NEIPA Craft Beer, Cider & Soda Shop
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Rebel Beer Cans
Trillium Brewing Company – Big Bird
Big Bird van Trillium Brewing Company uit Canton, Massachusetts, Verenigde Staten is een New England ... Double IPA van 8,5%.
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Hops & Hopes
Trillium Brewing Company Big Bird
Onze "kleine vogels" zijn een serie pale ales die experimenteren met combinaties van aanvullende gra ...ting van enkele van deze experimenten in een versterkte Double IPA-vorm. Big Bird, een van de meest hoppige bieren die ze tot nu toe hebben gemaakt, bevat een nieuwe kenmerkende hop. Deze nieuwe ...
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Trillium Big Bird Hazy Double IPA Can (LIMIT 6 CANS)
8.5% Making its annual migration to New England, Big Bird draws inspiration from our “Small ...orthy of a larger fowl. Pouring a noticeably cloudy yellow, this intensely aromatic Double IPA conjures up a tropical fruit cocktail nose of fresh pressed orange and ripe pineapple with a garnish ...
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TRILLIUM Brewing BIG BIRD. Auf seiner jährlichen Wanderung nach Neuengland lässt sich Big Bird von u ...opfensorten hat Big Bird ein verstärktes Profil, das eines größeren Vogels würdig ist. Dieses intensiv aromatische Double IPA hat eine auffallend trübe gelbe Farbe und erinnert in der Nase an ein ...
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Brew Export
Trillium Brewing Company. Big Bird
Description: Our "small birds" are a series of pale ales experimenting with combinations of adjunct of these experiments in an amped-up Double IPA form. One of the hoppiest beers we've made to date, Big Bird is featuring a new signature hop. This new hop gives Big Bird an intense nose that z ...
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Just in Beer
Trillium Brewing Company - Big Bird
Our "small birds" are a series of pale ales experimenting with combinations of adjunct gra ...ins and hop varieties to create seasonal, sessionable pale ales. Big Bird is a continuation of some of these experiments in an amped-up Double IPA form. On
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Dokter Bier
Trillium Brewing Company Big Bird
Our "small birds" are a series of pale ales experimenting with combinations of adjunct gra ...ins and hop varieties to create seasonal, sessionable pale ales. Big Bird is a continuation of some of these experiments in an amped-up Double IPA form. On
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