Rochefort 6 (rode dop, bruin bier, 7,5% alcohol). Roodachtige kleur, slechts ongeveer één keer per j ...theid van 16,5º Plato is 7,5% ABV. “Rochefort 6” is het oudste trappistenbier van Rochefort en werd empirisch gebrouwen ...
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Onlygoodbeer - Csakajósör
Rochefort 6 Abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint-Remy (BE) 0,33L - 7,5%
Selected beer: Rochefort 6 | Abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint-Remy (BE) | 0,33L - 7,5% Further d ...etails: 0,33 l Country of Origin: Belgium authentic trappist duppel ABV: 7,5% Brewery: Brasserie de l'Abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint-Remy Deposit: none Your price: €3.32
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Sweeney’s D3
This fine brew, topped off by a red-bottle cap, is only produced for a few weeks every year. It is p ...dest and driest variety. The Rochefort 6 certainly has character, but it is less rich and complex than that of its two brothers. A mild and fruity beer, it is slightly herbal, malty and sweet, wi ...
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Trappistes Rochefort Rochefort 6 33 cl
Descrizione Quella della Rochefort 6 è la più antica ricetta dell’Abbazia di Rochefort. Quest ...i thè Darjeeling. Il profumo è fresco, il corpo è strutturato con un finale tendente al secco. Servizio T = 6-8° – Conservare le birre in ambienti asciutti, alle giuste temperature, lon ...
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Heaton Hops
Abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy Trappistes Rochefort 6
Trappistes Rochefort 6 by Abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy Rochefort 6 (red cap, brown beer, 7.5% ABV ...uction. This beer begins with a density of 16.5º Plato is 7.5% ABV. “Rochefort 6” is the oldest Rochefort Trappist beer, and was brewed empirically […] ...
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Brussels Beer Box
Beer Trappistes Rochefort 6 7.5%
Rochefort 6 rcap, brown beer, 7.5%. Reddish colour, brewonly about once per year, representing appro ...ximately 1% of total beer production.…
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Antidote off Licence - Urban Brewing
Description Shipping & Delivery Reviews our opening times (free). If choosing this option, please let us know your preferred pickup time and we will endeavour to have your order ready by then. Drinks purchased online are for home ...
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Beers & More 77
Rochefort Rochefort 6 Strong Ale Fles 33 cl 7,50%
Overheerlijke Trappisten Strong Ale van 7,5%, aroma's van donker fruit, suiker en geroosterde m ...out
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Beer Force
Dubbel | 330ml | ABV 7.5% This fine brew, topped off by a red-bottle cap, is only produced for a few ...fort trio, this is the mildest and driest variety. The Rochefort 6 certainly has character, but it is less rich and comp ...
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Rochefort 6 Belgian Dubbel 33cl --> 2474
7.5% Rochefort 6 (red cap, brown beer, 7.5% ABV). Reddish colour, brewed only about once per ...5º Plato is 7.5% ABV. “Rochefort 6” is the oldest Rochefort Trappist beer, and was brewed empirically until the end of the Second World War. Until 1958, this was the only Rochefo ...
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Din ølhandler
Denne specialøl indeholder: 33cl 7,5% En rigtig Trappist øl, en øl man bare skal prøve - det en sik ...ker vinder hver gang!
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Otherworld Brewing ( antigua duplicada)
Description Trappiste de Rochefort are top-fermented, bottle-conditioned beers, brewed within the S ...asy drinking. Abbaye de Rochefort 6 has a light citrus fruit taste, gently warmed, with some bittersweet orange notes and a hint of brown sugar. The aroma is warming with hints of raisins, prune ...
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Dicey Reillys
This fine brew, topped off by a red-bottle cap, is only produced for a few weeks every year. It is p ...dest and driest variety. The Rochefort 6 certainly has character, but it is less rich and complex than that of its two brothers. A mild and fruity beer, it is slightly herbal, malty and sweet, wi ...
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Drink It In
Trappiste de Rochefort are top-fermented, bottle-conditioned beers, brewed within the Saint-R?my Abb ales produced by the Brasserie de Rochefort. It is deep amber in colour with a dense head that leaves gorgeous lace down the glass. This outstanding dubbel has spicy, malty, dried fruit aroma ...
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Luekens Wine & Spirits
Trappistes Rochefort 6 11.2oz SNG Btl
This beer, the oldest of the three Rochefort Trappist beers, has the reddish colour of autumn leaves ..., a soft body and an earthy, herbal palate (a hint of Darjeeling tea), which develops into a deep fruitiness.
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Trappistes Rochefort 6 (ABV 7,5%) is de lichtste uit de Rochefort-familie. Rijke amberkleur en smake ...n van mokka en karamel met een zachtzure smaak. De mond zal koek, karamel en peer ervaren, mooi in balans met een geroosterde bitterheid.
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Mr West
Trappistes Rochefort 6 Belgian Dubbel
Rochefort Brewery dates back to 1595 and renowned for its exceptional Belgian ales. 15 monks are res ... the 1960’s This beer is the often overlooked gem of the lineup. When poured, it reveals a dark amber to muddy brown hue, with a fruity and slightly herbal aroma. The rich malt base brings ...
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The Good Spirits Co.
Hints of mocha and caramel and a yeasty herbalness (cloves, pepper) rounded with a slightly sour tas ...te. Biscuit, caramel and pear, beautifully balanced with a slightly roast bitterness and a touch of cloves.
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Ein fast schon ?leichter? Vertreter belgischer Trappistenbiere ? nur 7,5% Alkohol! Diese Biere d&uum ...l;rfen nur innerhalb von Klostermauern gebraut sein.
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Beers & More
The Trappist Rochefort 6 has Reddish-brown color, soft body leads to earthy flavors and an herbal ch ...aracter.
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PHouse – Đồ Uống Cao Cấp
Bia Rochefort 6 7.5% Chai 330ml Thùng 24 Chai
Xuất xứ: Bia Bỉ Nồng độ cồn: 7.5 % Màu sắc bia: Nâu Quy cách: chai 330ml, thùng 24 chai Giá nguy ...quả nho và chút caramel đem đến một trải nghiệm khá mới lạ. Hương thơm khá giàu, mạnh mẽ và đánh gục khướu giác của bạn. Cũng không quên kể đến vị anh đào đen tạo cảm giác dễ chịu khi chạm phải m ...
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Trappistes Rochefort 6 2023 - 33 CL
Rochefort 6 (rode dop, bruin bier, 7,5% ABV). Roodachtige kleur, slechts ongeveer één keer per jaar ...htheid van 16,5º Plato is 7,5% ABV. “Rochefort 6” is het oudste trappistenbier van Rochefort en werd tot het einde van d ...
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La más suave de las Rochefort, pero no por ello sin sabor. Cerveza de Abadía Trapense tostada...
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Achat Bières
La Rochefort 6° 33 cl est une bière brassée par la Abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy en Belgique. C'es ...t une bière rubis, au goût équilibrée. Cette bière titre à 7,5° .
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Wine Sellers Direct
Rochefort 6 is the oldest of the three Rochefort Trappist beers. It has the reddish colour of autumn ... leaves, a soft body and an earthy, herbal palate (a hint of Darjeeling tea), which develops into a deep fruitiness.
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Fuggles Bottle Shop
The Rochefort 6 certainly has character, but it is less rich and complex than that of its two brothe A mild and fruity beer, it is slightly herbal, malty and sweet, with a touch of caramel. The quiet bitterness it has only becomes apparent in the finish.
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Rond Point
La Bière Rochefort 6 est une bière trappiste à fermentation haute, conçue par les brasseurs de l' Ab ...e des vieux vins de Bourgogne, la bière est limpide et repose sur un lit de levures. Sa saturation est assez forte, présentant une mousse peu serrée et de durée moyenne. Son arôme pénétrant offr ...
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La Rochefort 6 est une bière brune trappiste de fermentation haute brassée par les brasseurs de l’Ab ...on relativement claire accompagnée de sa belle mousse beige. Au nez, elle est très fruitée et houblonnée. On ressent des notes de raisin, d’épices et de caramel. En bouche, elle est à la fois dou ...
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Belgian Beer Heaven
Rochefort 6° 33Cl - Koop dit bier online in onze shop. Meer dan 1500 Belgische bieren en toebehoren ...thuisgeleverd.
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Leith Bottle Shop
Trappistes Rochefort 6 (330ml Bottle)
Buy Craft Beer from the heart of Leith’s thriving brewing scene. Browse Scottish, UK and World Beer, ... plus a select range of wines and local spirits.
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Só Artesanais
Trappistes Rochefort 6. Cervejas artesanais online
Se estás a pensar em provar a cerveja Trappistes Rochefort 6, prepara-te para uma experiência única ...radicionais do mundo. Trappistes Rochefort 6 é uma cerveja do estilo Dubbel, com teor alcoólico de 7.5%. %split% Esta ce ...
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Las Cervezas de Martyn
Esta cerveza trapense tiene sus orígenes en la cerveza embotellada de preguerra destinada a los enfe ...l fuego bajo sus calderas en su nueva y pequeña cervecería. La cerveza que elaboraron entonces fue precursora de la Rochefort 6 de hoy. Las ventas fueron modestas al principio, interrumpidas como ...
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Una Más
Beschrijving Bruin bier vol met aroma’s van geroosterde mout, suiker en donker fruit.
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Sourire Des Saveurs
ROCHEFORT 6 Brune Belge 7.5° 33 cl
La bière Rochefort 6 est brune trappiste de couleur rougeâtre au palais un peu terreux et au fruité nourrissantes comme du pain liquide. Autrefois surnommée "Trappistes", elle est désormais facilement reconnaissable grâce à sa capsule rouge. Un premier pas dans la communauté restreinte des b ...
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Beer Paradise
ROCHEFORT Trappistes 6 7.5%
Product DetailsA beautiful amber-red ale. Nose is complex - dark fruit and woody notes. Dried fruit ...ish colour, brewed only about once per year, representing approximately 1% of total beer production. This beer begins with a density of 16.5º Plato is 7.5% ABV. “Rochefort 6” is the oldest Rochef ...
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Rochefort 6 Brasserie de Rochefort
Rochefort 6 | Rochefort 6 di Brasserie de Rochefort offre sapori di Toffee, frutti rossi e frutta di ...sidratata. Vieni a scoprirla sul nostro e-commerce
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Premium Drinks
Trappistes Rochefort 6 es una cerveza trapense strong ale, de doble fermentación. De color rojizo y ...mentos de levadura en suspensión. La corona de espuma formada es de un dedo aproximado de espesor. En la nariz, las notas de caramelo y una hierba de levadura se redondean con un sabor ligerament ...
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Rubia turbia espuma blanca... Me encanta.
Color rojizo turbio debido a segunda fermentación en botella. Espuma abundante y persiste una fina capa hasta el final. Sabor suave y con toque ligeramente amargo. Sabor maltoso algo afrutado. Una buena cerveza.