Beer Shop HQ
Track Brewing Co. Track x Great Notion Haze Division
Country: UK | Style: Double India Pale Ale | Size: 440ml | %ABV: 8.1 From Track: We've had the g Portland, OR for a hop selection last year, and we felt it was about time we brought it home to brew in Manchester. A med ...
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Track x Great Notion Haze Division
We've had the good fortune of brewing this beer previously with the good folks over at Great Not ...rought it home to brew in Manchester. A medley of Nelson Sauvin and Nectaron hops creates a fragrant aroma full of White Win ...
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Ghost Whale
Track Great Notion - Haze Division - 8.1% (440ml)
"DDH DIPA w/ Nelson Sauvin, Citra, Citra Lupomax, Nectaron & Simcoe | 8.1% We've ha ...whilst in Portland, OR for a hop selection last year, and we felt it was about time we brought it home to brew in Manchester. A medle ...
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Craft Central
Track & Great Notion Haze Division
We've had the good fortune of brewing this beer previously with the good folks over at Great Not ...rought it home to brew in Manchester. A medley of Nelson Sauvin and Nectaron hops creates a fragrant aroma full of White Win ...
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Track Brewing Company & Great Notion Brewing Haze Division 0,44L
Nelson Sauvin, Nectaron, Simcoe, Citra komlós DIPA. Lédús gyümölcsök, lágy korty, dinnyés-mangós-egr ...ozza a keserűség háttérbe szorításával. A késői és/vagy hidegkomlózási technikákra támaszkodik, hogy kirobbanóan lédús, trópusi gyümölcsös íz- és illatélményt nyújtson. Színe általában barackl ...
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Left Field Beer
Track Brewing Co x Great Notion Brewing - Haze Division
We've had the good fortune of brewing this beer previously with the good folks over at Great Notion it home to brew in Manchester.A medley of Nelson Sauvin and Nectaron hops creates a fragrant aroma full of White Wine and Gooseberry rising from the glass, accompanied with notes of juicy Nect ...
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Craft Metropolis
Track Great Notion Haze Division DDH IPA
THE BREWERY SAYS: We’ve had the good fortune of brewing this beer previously with the good fo ...t was about time we brought it home to brew in Manchester. A medley of Nelson Sauvin and Nectaron hops creates a fragrant aroma full of White Wine and Gooseberry rising from the glass, accompani ...
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Dexter & Jones
Craft Beer: Track - Haze Division Fresh Craft Beer from Our Bottle Shop and Taproom: We've had t ...lst in Portland, OR for a hop selection last year, and we felt it was about time we brought it home to brew in Manchester. A medley of Nelson Sauvin and Nectaron hops creates a fragrant aroma ful ...
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Muted Horn
A hazy Double IPA brewed in collaboration with Portland, OR's Great Notion. A medley of Nelson Sauv ...s, accompanied with notes of juicy nectarine and white peach. The Nectaron and Simcoe hops creates an over-ripe stone fruit and tropical fruit characters, oozing sticky passionfruit with an eart ...
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Track Brewing Company. Haze Division DIPA x Great Notion Brewing
This special Haze Division Double IPA from Track combines the fragrant aromas of white wine, goosebe ...a 8.1% alcohol content, the beer is perfect for savoring solo or sharing with friends. The addition of Citra Lupomax add ...
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Red Elephant
Track x Great Notion Haze Division [8.1% DDH DIPA]
DDH DIPA – New England 8.1% ABV 440ml can BBE: 04/03/25
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Curators of Craft
Track Brewery Haze Division (x Great Notion)
Track's Haze Division DIPA brewed with Portland OR's Great Notion Brewing Co. Nelson Sauvin and Nect ...d White Peach. Nectaron and Simcoe hops create an over-ripe stone fruit and tropical fruit characters, oozing sticky Passionfruit with an earthy, vegetal finish. An addition of Citra Lupomax ensu ...
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Hops & Hopes
Track Brewing Company Haze Division (Track Version)
Een mengeling van Nelson Sauvin en Nectaron-hop creëert een geurig aroma vol witte wijn en kruisbes, ...verrijpe steenvruchten en tropische fruitkarakters, die kleverige Passievrucht uitstralen met een aardse, plantaardige afdronk. Een toevoeging van Citra Lupomax zorgt voor een superheldere expres ...
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Track (x Great Notion) Haze Division
We've had the good fortune of brewing this beer previously with the good folks over at Great Notion it home to brew in Manchester. A medley of Nelson Sauvin and Nectaron hops creates a fragrant aroma full of White Wine and Gooseberry rising from the glass, accompanied with notes of juicy Ne ...
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Heaton Hops
Track Brewing Company Haze Division DIPA
A medley of Nelson Sauvin and Nectaron hops creates a fragrant aroma full of White Wine and Gooseber ...ry rising from the glass, accompanied with notes of juicy Nectarine and White Peach.
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The Triangle
8.1% DDH DIPA w/ Nelson Sauvin, Citra, Citra Lupomax, Nectaron & Simcoe 440ml Can Track have d ...R during last year’s hop selection, they’ve brought this beauty back home to Manchester. This brew is a delightful blend of Nelson Sauvin and Nectaron hops, giving off fragrant aromas of white w ...
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Caps and Taps
Track x Great Notion Haze Division DIPA 8.1% (440ml)
Haze Division (Great Notion Collab) | DDH DIPA w/ Nelson Sauvin, Citra, Citra Lupomax, Nectaron & ...ks over at Great Notion Brewing whilst in Portland, OR for a hop selection last year, and we felt it was about time we brought i ...
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Quality Drops Craft Beer
Track Haze Division (x Great Notion) DIPA
Free Craft Beer delivery Singapore islandwide above $100. Fresh and balanced with a slightly dank, r ...esinous quality.
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The Hoptimist
Description IPA – Imperial / Double New England / Hazy – Can 440ml – 8.1% Collab ...with the good folks over at Great Notion Brewing whilst in Portland, OR for a hop selection last year, and we felt it was about time we brought it home to brew in Manchester. A medley of Nelson ...
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Clapton Craft
Track x Great Notion Brewing Haze Division DDH DIPA
Style: New England Double IPA Region: Manchester ABV: 8.1% Can Size: 440ml We've had the good fo ...tland, OR for a hop selection last year, and we felt it was about time we brought it home to brew in Manchester. A medley of ...
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