Belgian Whalez
Bitter is a blend of a saison and mature beer from older barrels. The saison is made with a good amo ...unt of hops. The resulting bitterness works well with the complexity of the older beer, that aged for 2,5 up to 4 years in oak barrels.
Cantina Brassicola Digitale
Descrizione Tommie Sjef Bitter è la miscela tra una saison ed una birra proveniente da botti più v ...a si sposa bene con la complessità della birra più vecchia, che invecchia da 2,5 a 4 anni in botti di rovere. Al naso ti imbatterai in vaniglia, una cantina polverosa e un po’ di funk, ma a ...
23,20 €
House of Beers Uden
Tommie Sjef Bitter 2022 LambiekGeuze - 75 CL
Bitter is een blend van een saison en rijp bier van oudere vaten. De saison is gemaakt met een flink ... 2,5 tot 4 jaar op eikenhouten vaten heeft gerijpt. In de neus vind je vanille, stoffige kelder en wat funk, maar ook een bloemige kwaliteit — denk aan lavendel en kamille. Het meer gistachtige k ...
35,00 €
Caps and Taps
Bitter is a blend of a saison and mature beer from older barrels. The saison is made with a good amo ...r 2,5 up to 4 years in oak barrels. In the nose you will come across vanilla, dusty cellar and some funk, but also a floral quality — think of lavender and chamomile. The more yeasty character of ...
Blend of a Saison and a Vintage Beer aged in Barrels for 2-4 years
27,99 €
Tommie Sjef Bitter Oak-Aged Hoppy Wild Ale 750ml
7% Bitter is a blend of a saison and mature beer from older barrels. The saison is made with a goo ...ed for 2,5 up to 4 years in oak barrels. In the nose you will come across vanilla, dusty cellar and some funk, but also a floral quality — think of lavender and chamomile. The more yeas ...
Etre Gourmet
"Bitter is a blend of a saison and mature beer from oldebarrels. The saison is made with a good amou ... 2,5 up to 4 years in oak barrels. In the nose you will come across vanilla, dusty cellar and some funk, but also a floral quality — think of lavender and chamomile. The more yeasty character of ...
32,95 €
Be Hoppy
Brewery: Tommie Sjef Style:Saison-BA ABV:7.0% Size:75cl Format:Bottle
40,00 €