Craftbeer Shop
The Garden BreweryAnti Korpo Mango Panna Cotta Sour 0,44l
Das The Garden Brewery x Anti Korpo Mango Panna Cotta Sour ist ein mutiges und innovatives Bier, das ... die Sinne herausfordert und belohnt.
5,99 €
Beer Butik
Garden - Mango Panna Cotta Sour 440ml can 6,8% alc.
Pokračováním v našem experimentování s kyselým pivem jsme s našimi italskými přáteli z antikorpo bre ...vý profil plný šťavnatého zralého manga, pikantní kyselosti a jemných tónů vanilky. Continuing with our Sour beer e ...
99,00 Kč
The Garden Brewery Mango Panna Cotta Sour
The Garden Brewery Mango Panna Cotta Sour Sour 12x44CL ... Login voor de prijs
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The Garden Brewery
The Garden Mango Panna Cotta Sour Anti Korpo Collab
Creamy, smooth & refreshing with juicy ripe Mangoes, a tangy sourness and subtle notes of Vanill ...a. Made with our friends from Trieste
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Burg Bieren Bierwinkel
The Garden Brewery Garden Brewery Mango Panna Cotta Sour
Land: Kroatisch bier Type: Sour / Gose Alcohol: 6,8% Inhoud: 44
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Pivoteka - Пивотека
The Garden Brewery Mango Panna Cotta Sour (AntiKorpo collab)
Описание ...о в аромата, вкус на сочно зряло манго и кокосов крем, ободряваща киселинност и фини нотки на ванилия. Сортът хмел е El Dorado. Съвместна рецепта с AntiKorpo от Триест, Италия. ...
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