Craftbeer Shop
The Garden Brewery Imperial Strawberry, Apricot & Lemon Sour 0,44l
Probiere jetzt das neue Imperial Strawberry, Apricot & Lemon Sour von der kroatischen The Garden ... Brewery! Hier kaufen!
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The Garden Brewery Imperial Strawberry, Apricot & Lemon Sour 0,44L
Háromszorosan gyümölcsözött Sour Ale, ahol az eper és sárgabarack mellett az olasz citrom zamatát él ...agyományos savanyú sörök közé tartoznak a belga lambic, a gueuze, a flamand vörös sörök, valamint a német gose. A savanyú sörök úgy készülnek, hogy vadélesztő törzseket vagy baktériumokat engedne ...
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Beers of Europe
The Garden Imperial Strawberry, Apricot and Lemon Sour 440ml
The Garden Brewery is an award-winning microbrewery based in Zagreb, Croatia, creating flavourful be ...erry, Apricot And Lemon Sour is a sumptuous triple fruited kettle sour with zesty Italian lemons and background notes of black pepper. ...
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The Garden Brewery
The Garden Imperial Strawberry, Apricot & Lemon Sour
Sumptuous triple-fruited kettle sour with zesty Italian lemons and background notes of Black Pepper
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The Garden Brewery The Garden Brewery - Imperial Strawberry, Apricot & Lemon Sour
Sour - Fruited | Untappd: 3.72
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Little Beershop
The Garden The Garden: Imperial Strawberry, Abricot, Lemon sour
Weelderige drievoudig fruitige ketelzure met pittige Italiaanse citroenen en achtergrondtonen van zw peper KROATIE, 7,7% ALC. BLIK, 440ML
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