The Beer Cellar | Birrapedia
Negra Modelo 355ml

New Zealand The Beer Cellar

Negra Modelo 355ml

Modelo Negra Mexican Beer is a lager beer with German roots, offering a rich taste with a light fini 5.4% ABV


Dos Equis XX Especial Lager 355ml

New Zealand The Beer Cellar

Dos Equis XX Especial Lager 355ml

Dos Equis Especial Lager is a refreshing, crisp, golden, Lager style beer imported from Mexico. Made ... with roasted malts, choice hops, a unique strain of yeast and purified water, this distinctive brew is known simply as Lager in its homeland. 4.2% ABV


Dos Equis Amber Especial 355ml

New Zealand The Beer Cellar

Dos Equis Amber Especial 355ml

Dos Equis Ambar Especial is the first Dos Equis Beer “Siglo XX”, brewed to celebrate the upcoming 20 ...ber color and subtle hints of roasted malts it pairs great with every kind of Mexican food, whether it’s 2pm tacos or 2a ...


Modelo Pura Malta 355ml

New Zealand The Beer Cellar

Modelo Pura Malta 355ml

Modelo Beer Pura Malta is a premium malt beer that offers a refreshing and smooth drinking experienc ...lanced malt profile with subtle notes of caramel and roasted grains, complemented by a mild hop bitterness 4.9% ABV ...


New Zealand’s best selection of local and Imported Craft Beer