The Cat In The Glass
Tartarus Tequila Barrel Aged Huay Chivo (750ml)
Description Tequila BA Huay Chivo – Mexican Hot Chocolate Stout – 11.3% Mex ...ican hot chocolate imperial stout brewed with chocolate, vanilla, cinnamon & chillies aged in Tequila barrels for 13 months. Vegan friendly! 750ml.
The Fuss.Club
This is a Stout - Imperial / Double (View Untappd)(UT RATING: 0) Tartarus Beers says: 'Mexican h ...arrels for 13 months. Thick, oily, chocolate, sweet vanilla & cinnamon, chilli bite with a tequila finish. Vegan friendl ...
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Tartarus Beers
Tartarus Tequila BA Huay Chivo - Mexican Hot Chocolate Stout - 11.3% - 750mL
Tequila BA Huay Chivo - Mexican Hot Chocolate Stout - 11.3% Mexican hot chocolate imperial stout bre with chocolate, vanilla, cinnamon & chillies aged in Tequila barrels for 13 months. Vegan friendly!
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