Centro Cervecero
Cervecería Stone Brewing Company Cerveza de carácter afrutado, en su elaboración se emplea una técni ...nalidad de potencializar sus aromas y sabores, dándole un toque amargo agradable en el paladar, así como notas cítricas. Lúpulos utilizados: ahtanum, amarillo, cascade, chinook, citra, crystal, m ...
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Lúpulo y Amén
Color rubio pajizo con espuma blanca, consistente y retención alta, aroma a pino con notas terrosas, ... sensación de cáscara de naranja, mango y piña, suave sabor herbáceo y pináceo con final amargo y sequedad media.
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BrewDog UK
Since Day One, Stone have been abundantly forthright and fully transparent about their lust for hops ...l timeless in their intensity. For Stone Go To IPA, they are embracing their hop obsession in a new way, funneling an abundance of lupulin-borne bitterness into a "session" IPA delivering all the ...
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Queen’s Beer
Descripción Compañía fundada por Greg Koch y Steve Wagner en San Diego (California, USA), Stone Bre ...nes La Mejor Cervecera del Mundo por la prestigiosa revista especializada BeerAdvocate. Actualmente produce sus cervezas con destino al mercado europeo en su nueva fábrica de Berlín, lo que nos ...
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Beer Shelf
Ficha técnica Color Dorada Tamaño ...hol 4.7% IBU 65 Estilo BS IPA Estilo Session IPA Nota Untap ...
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The Brewer Factory
Hashtag es la IPA para todos los días, de color claro y trago seco, fruto de nuestra curiosidad y ex ...perimentación constante. Es una IPA moderna, sin etiquetas, las etiquetas se las pones tú.
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Stone Brewing. Stone Go To IPA
Stone Go To IPA Fábrica: Stone Brewing Estilo: IPA - Session / India Session Ale ABV (Grados alcohol ...uma blanca. Aroma en nariz afrutado, pino, maracuyá y notas de melocotón. Sabor similar a la nariz con un buen final lup ...
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Bacchus Beer Shop
Descrição Uma Session IPA turva notavelmente potável, criada para a aventura. Fresca e turva, com n ...otas de frutas cítricas e tropicais. Uma Session IPA cheia de sabor com apenas 5 carbohidratos e 100 calorias.
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Cantina della Birra
Stone Brewing Stone Go To IPA - USA
Caratteristiche e degustazioni ... Gusto prevalente Amaro ...
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Stone Go To IPA 33 Cl. (lattina)
Produttore: Stone Stile: Session IPA Sapore: Amaro Grado Alcolico: 4,80%
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Go To IPA delivers all the citrus, peach, melon and pine flavours of a much bigger IPA. To accomplis ...hase of the brewing process to bring out extreme flavours and aromas while also imparting a burst of desirably pleasant bitterness. ...
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Beer Republic
Since Day One, we’ve been abundantly forthright about our lust for hops. It’s led us to craft many a ...one Go To IPA, we’ve embraced our hop obsession in a new way, funneling an abundance of lupulin-borne bitterness into a “session” IPA that delivers all the fruity, piney character of a much bigge ...
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Beer Shop HQ
Country: US | Style: Session India Pale Ale | Size: 355ml | %ABV: 4.7 From Stone Brewing: Since Day ... One, we've been abundantly forthright and fully transparent about
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Hop Shop Aberdeen
For their Go To IPA, Stone embraced their obsession with hops in a different way; funneling an abund ...of a much bigger IPA. They employ a “hop bursting,” a new technique wherein an irrational amount of hops is added during the final phase of the brewing process to coax out extreme flavors and aro ...
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Craftbeer Shop
Das Stone Go To IPA ist ein Session India Pale Ale der Brauerei Stone und wird mit neun verschiedene ...n Hopfensorten gebraut.
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More Than Beer
Una cerveza IPA brutal No es ningún secreto que Stone Brewing fue decisiva en la revolución de la ce ...e este estilo, la Stone Go To IPA mantiene todo el sabor gloriosamente amargo, cítrico y a pino de las India Pale Ale de la casa, pero con menos potencia y amargor. De precioso color amarillo, li ...
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Beer Republic
Stone Go To IPA es una cerveza de Estados Unidos, tipo Session IPA, con un 4.8% de alcohol
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Die Bierothek
Das Go To IPA ist ein weiteres India Pale Ale aus dem Hause Stone Brewing, das mit seiner unglaublic ......
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Craft Beer Rockstars
Stone Brewing Go To IPA Session IPA
Bier-Details Stil Session IPA Zutaten Wasser, Gerstenmalz, Hopfen, Hefe ...rling, Citra, Cascade Alkohol 4,5% Vol. Bittereinheiten 65 IBU Bewertung Untappd: 3,7 Über die Brauerei Stone Brewing USA ...
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Martins Off Licence
Stone Brewing Go To IPA 4.7% ABV 355ml Can
Stone Go To IPA employed the hop-bursting technique, which in essence is a hopping method where all ...d of boil and in the whirlpool, instead of the more traditional approach where most of the hop bitterness comes from earlier additions at the start of the kettle boil. The result is a beautifully ...
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Estilo: IPA. Origen: Alemania. Formato: 35,5 cl. Alcohol: 4,5% Cervezera: Stone Brewing.
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The Crú - The Beer Club
Stone - Go To IPA 355 ml Since Day One, we've been abundantly forthright and fully transparent abou ...time and all timeless in their intensity. For Stone Go To IPA, we embrace our hop obsession in a new way, funnelling an abundance of lupulin-borne bitterness into a session IPA that delivers all ...
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Craft Central
Stone Brewing - Go To IPA 355ml Can 4.5% ABV
Since Day One, we’ve been abundantly forthright about our lust for hops. It’s led us to craft many a ...one Go To IPA, we’ve embraced our hop obsession in a new way, funneling an abundance of lupulin-borne bitterness into a ...
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Alacsonyabb alkoholtartalmú session IPA, aminek nem titkoltan az a célja, hogy ugyanazt az ízélményt ... adja, mint a nagyobb, testesebb társai. Teszteld le, hogy ez tényleg sikerült-e.
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Ales & Co.
STONE USA Go to IPA 24x355ml LAT
Go to IPA, Session Ipa dall'intensa luppolatura che si traduce in un piacevole aroma fruttato ed un ...amaro pronunciato, che su un corpo esile (4,7% alc) la rendono una fantastica bevuta quotidiana! Pericolosamente facile da bere!
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Beers of Europe
Go To IPA embraces Stone’s hop obsession by using hop bursting, a technique where a large amount of ... burst of desirably mellow bitterness. This results in a session IPA that delivers the fruity, piney character of a much bigger beer.The hop aromatics are mind blowing with peach, citrus and melo ...
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Descrição Na Stone Go To IPA, é utilizada uma grande quantidade de lúpulos ao nível das grandes IPAS ...sultado é conseguido, adicionando esta quantidade de lúpulo durante a fase final do processo de fabricação da cerveja (o chamado “Hop Bursting”), algo que lhe dá aromas exuberantes e ...
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Dare To Drink Different
Stone Go To IPA Buitengewoon frisse en fruitige Session IPA. Rijk aan intense smaken van perzik, ci ...trusfruit en meloen. Durf jij dit bier aan? Citrus en tropisch fruit Waanzinnig lekker bij: Thaise salade met pindadressing en chicken jerky De grootste smaakexplosie op: 6-8 graden Celsius
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Kay Gee’s Off Licence
Stone Brewing Go To IPA 355ml Can BBD: 090422
Stone Brewing say: Since Day One, we’ve been abundantly forthright and fully transparent about ...heir time and all timeless in their intensity. For Stone Go To IPA, we embrace our hop obsession in a new way, funneling an abundance of lupulin-borne bitterness into a session IPA that delivers ...
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Craft Beers Delivered
A vibrant Session IPA which was fuelled by Stone Brewing's lust for hops! Expect lots of citrus and ...stone fruit flavours with this IPA, along with a slight bitterness from the number of hops used. This everyday go-to IPA is dangerously sessionable!..
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Craft Direct
Stone Go To IPA – Session IPA (355ml 4.7%)
Stone Go To IPA delivers all the citrus, peach, melon and pine flavours of a much bigger IPA. To acc ...nal phase of the brewing process to bring out extreme flavours and aromas while also imparting a burst of desirably plea ...
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Yards & Crafts
355ml CanSan Diego, USA 4.5% ABV 65 IBU Rating: 3.68/5 219,371 Ratings Since Day One, we’ve been abu ...ndantly forthright about our lust for hops. It’s led us to craft many...
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Go to ipa, una cerveza tipo sesion ipa muy aromática con gran carga de lúpulo, con un sabor intenso y resinoso.
Impresionante!! Lúpulo a mansalva, bastante resinoso, una excelente ’Session IPA’, ligera e intensa a la vez.. Una gozada