DIPA | 8,8% | 35,5cl | Untappd: 3,91 | Amerika | Statiegeld + 0,15
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Craftbeer Shop
Stone Patio Magic Double IPA 0,355l
Sommerliche und erfrischende Aromen erwarten dich beim neuen Stone Patio Magic Double IPA. Gut geküh ...lt einfach unbeschreiblich.
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Beer Butik
Stone - Patio Magic Imperial IPA 0,355l can 9,7% alk.
Přáli jste si někdy, aby dobrá věc trvala věčně? Prodlužte zlatou hodinu. Zažijte nekonečný západ sl ...kud můžete. Phantasm (unikátní pivovarská složka vyrobená ze slupek novozélandských hroznů Sauvignon Blanc) se během fermentace přeměňuje v tropické a citrusové aroma. Navíc jsou tu skutečné citr ...
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Drankenhandel Leiden / Speciaalbierpakket.nl
Stone Patio Magic in blik is een Double IPA van 8.8%. Gratis thuis vanaf €60!
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Stone Brewing
Stone Patio Magic Double IPA 12oz 6pk Cans
Ever wish you could make a good thing last forever? Extend the golden hour. Experience a neverending ... double IPA while you can. Phantasm (a unique brewing ingredient made from New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc grape skins) tran ...
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Half Time
Stone Brewing Co. Stone Patio Magic Double IPA
Ever wish you could make a good thing last forever? Extend the golden hour. Experience a neverending ... double IPA while you can. Phantasm (a unique brewing ingredient made from New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc grape skins) transforms into tropical and citrusy aromas during fermentation. Plus, there’s ...
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Ang Mo Liang Teh
Ever wish you could make a good thing last forever? Extend the golden hour. Experience a never-endin ...s double IPA while you can. Phantasm (a unique brewing ingredient made from New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc grape skins) transforms into tropical and citrusy aromas during fermentation. ...
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Temple Cellars
Origin: USAABV: 8.8%Style: Brewed with white grape skins & sweet orange peel Ever wish you c ...gain, it wouldn’t be quite as special. Thus, we recommend basking in the glow of this double IPA while you can. Phantasm (a ...
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Beer Force
Double IPA | 355ml | ABV 8.8% Ever wish you could make a good thing last forever? Extend the golden ...nd basking in the glow of this double IPA while you can. Phantasm (a unique brewing ingredient made from New Zealand Sau ...
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Bine & Vine
Stone Patio Magic Double IPA 12oz can
Stone Patio Magic Double IPA Our first new beer of 2023 is Stone Patio Magic Double IPA! This 8.8% ...auvignon Blanc grape skin extract. When making white wine, grapes are pressed off their skins. The skins produce some of those amazing fruit characteristics also found in hops. In combination wit ...
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Petite Cellars
Stone Brewing Co. Patio Magic DIPA 6 pack 12 oz. Can
Pale orange, some haze and white head. Candied orange, mango, dank, floral, strawberry, and guava. C ...…
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Kelly’s Liquor
Stone Brewing Co. Patio Magic DIPA 6 pack 12 oz. Can
Ever wish you could make a good thing last forever? Extend the golden hour. Experience a neverending ...…
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