De Biersalon
Sofia Electric Brewing 13 Months Behind Schedule
13 Months behind schedule is an non adjunct imperial stout based on our core range imperial stout. S warm to over 10C, tons of complex flavours include, Caramel/toffee, raisins, plums, Brownie like chocolate and brown sugar to name a few. This is a big sweet indulgent imperial stout designed ...
5,19 €
Sofia Electric Brewing 13 Months Behind Schedule
Sofia Electric Brewing 13 Months Behind Schedule Imperial Stout 12 ...x33CL Login voor de prijs
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Café De Stap
Sofia Electric Brewing 13 Months Behind Schedule
13 Months behind schedule is an non adjunct imperial stout based on our core range imperial stout. S ...t to warm to over 10C, tons of complex flavours include, Caramel/toffee, raisins, plums, Brownie like chocolate and brown sugar to name a few. This is a big sweet indulgent imperial stout desig ...
5,50 €
100 Beers
Sofia Electric Brewing 13 Months Behind Schedule
В началото бе 6 Months Behind Schedule. 6 месеца по-късно бирата е все така без никакви добавки извъ ...н стандартните четири съставк, но много по-силна, наситена
Sofia Electric - 13 Months Behind Schedule
A non-adjunct Imperial Stout brewed with 12 malts, brown and muscovado sugar, and boiled for 6 hours .... At over 10°C, it reveals complex flavors of caramel, to...
5,99 €