Beer Shop HQ
Schneeeule Brauerei Schneeeule Irmgard
Country: DE | Style: Sour| Size: 330ml | %ABV: 3.5 From Schneeeule: "Irmgard" is named aft ... against them. The seasoning is flavored with ginger, lemon, orange and pomegranate peel. The beer is fermented in the Berliner We ...
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Craftbeer Shop
Schneeeule Irmgard Berliner Weisse mit Ingwer 0,33l
Das Irmgard Berliner Weisse wurde mit frischem Ingwer und erfrischenden Zitronen-, Orangen- und Gran ...atapfelschalen versetzt.
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Die Bierothek
News from the Berlin Weisse brewery Schneeeule! Irmgard is the new addition to a whole range of exce ......
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Craft Beer Rockstars
Schneeeule Irmgard Berliner Weisse
Bier-Details Stil Berliner Weisse Zutaten Wasser, Weizenmalz, Gerstenm ..., Lactobacillus spp., Saccarose Hopfen k.A. Alkohol 3,0% Vol. Bittereinheiten ca. 15 IBU Bewertung Untappd: 3,59 Über die Bra ...
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Muted Horn
Traditional Berliner Weisse with Brettanomyces and ginger. Brewed in Berlin and fermented with Bre ...ttanomyces strains from bottles up to 50 years old - made as close to the historical original as possible. This beer is alive - please be careful when opening the bottle!
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Irmgard Die gute Irmgard zeigt sich ausgeprägt zitrisch von vornherein. Eine a ...ner aufstrebenden Säuerlichkeit. Hinten raus kommt es relativ trocken daher. Bier-Daten ...
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Cantina Brassicola Digitale
Descrizione Irmgard, in passato chiamata Inge, è una Berliner Weisse prodotta con aggiunta di zenze ...oreali e citrici! Consigliamo vivamente di versarla nel capiente ed originale bicchiere prodotto da Schneeeule considerando che con il passare del tempo Irmgard diventerà piuttosto carbonata e ...
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Named after the writer Irmgard Keun, whose writings were banned at the time of the Third Reich, whic ...lls. The beer is fermented according to the Berliner Weisse style with live yeasts and lactic acid bacteria. The earthy ...
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Øl Biksen
Berliner Weisse med ingefær. Opkaldt efter den feministiske forfatter Irmgard Keun. Ligesom forfatte har denne BW sine ru kanter. Den er tilsat masser af frisk ingefær(1 kg. pr. 100 liter), citron, appelsin og granatæble skaller. Tilsat brettanomyces og mælkesyrebakterier. Flaske 33 cl. 3,5%
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