Ghost Whale
Schlenkerla - Marzen: Unfiltered - 5.1% (500ml)
"On the day of smoked beer preservation on July 23rd, the classic Märzen is available as an unf ...ere it creates a particularly full-bodied and complex taste. As with the classic Maerzen, the malt for the special edition is ...
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Brew Cavern
Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier Marzen Special Edition UnfiltriertUnfiltered
Description Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier – Marzen Special Edition Unfiltriert/Unfiltered. On ...pecial edition. In line with age-old brewing traditions, we leave the yeast in the beer, where it creates a particularly full-bodied and complex taste. As with the classic Maerzen, the malt for t ...
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Schlenkerla Rauchbier Märzen Unfiltered
On the occasion of smokebeer preservation day on July 23rd the classic Märzen is available as unfilt ...esults in an especially full and complex aroma. As for classic Märzen, the malt of the special edition is kilned over an open beech wood fire, which gives it the typical and by smokebeer lovers s ...
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Schlenkerla Rauchbier Marzen Unfiltered 5.1% (500ml bottle)
On the day of smoked beer preservation on July 23rd, the classic Marzen is available as an unfiltere ... creates a particularly full-bodied and complex taste. As with the classic Maerzen, the malt for the special edition is also smoked over open beech wood, which gives it the typical aroma of the A ...
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The Triangle
Schlenkerla - Marzen Unfiltered - 5.1% Special Edition Unfiltered Marzen - 500ml Bottle
5.1% Special Edition Unfiltered Marzen 500ml Bottle A special unfiltered version of the classic sm ...oke beer.
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