The Dead Crafty Beer Company
Alpaca fleece is the fibre harvested from the coat of an alpaca. A soft, luxurious and silky natural ...ll in the centre of our homeland was innovative enough to recognise the value of Alpaca wool in the 1800s. You could say ...
This Alpaca double dry hopped IPA is every bit as luxurious as its namesake. From its intense tropic hop aroma, to its guava, melon and following honey not...
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Rosses i Torrades
Descripción Alpaca fleece is the fibre harvested from the coat of an alpaca. A soft, luxurious and s ...ckly. The mill in the centre of our homeland was innovative enough to recognise the value of Alpaca wool in the 1800s. You could say Alpacas built the village in which we are based! Our Alpaca D ...
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El vellón de alpaca es la fibra recolectada del pelaje de una alpaca. Una fibra natural suave, lujos ...pinosa. El molino en el centro de nuestra patria fue lo suficientemente innovador como para reconocer el valor de la lana de alpaca en el siglo XIX. ¡Se podría decir que Alpacas construyó el pueb ...
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Beer Ritz
SALT BEER FACTORY Alpaca - DDH IPA with an intensely tropical guava and melon aromas
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Je kent die wel, zoals een lama, maar dan kleiner. De vacht van de Alpaca wordt zeer gewaardeerd; m ...e Alpaca double dry-hopped IPA is net zo luxueus als zijn naamgenoot. Van het intense tropische hoparoma tot de guave-, meloen- en volgende honingtonen; fris en pittig, het tropische fruit balanc ...
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Beer Paradise
Product DetailsSalt Beer Factory Alpaca, a double dry hopped IPA is an intensely hoppy beer with an ...It is generously dry-hopped twice, producing bold and complex hop flavors. Its malt base adds body to the brew and offers a pleasant bitterness. It's a beer full of character and aroma, making it ...
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