Usare la frutta come catalizzatore per aumentare la complessità degli aromi e dei sapori tropicali è ... un modo eccitante per esplorare i confini di una Pale Ale. Trovare l'equilibrio tra i toni della frutta tropicale e il malto è stato un viaggio affas..
3,38 €
Beer Head
Poppels Passion Pale Ale 330ml bottle
A Pale Ale brewed mainly using light malt to give it a brighter colour compared to many other beers. ...ase the tropical tones from the hops by adding passion fruit – which is unmistakably clear in both the smell and taste! ABV 5.2% ...
2,50 €
Craftbeer Shop
Poppels Passion Pale Ale 0,33l
Die Poppels Bryggeri hat mit dem Passion Pale Ale ein leichtes Bier mit einem ausgeprägten Charakter ... gebraut.
4,19 €
Brew Haus Malta
100% organic beer from Sweden. 200% delicious! A Pale Ale is brewed using light malt to give it a br ...e Pale Ale family to include beer of highly varied tastes & strengths. This interpretation is a flattering Pale Ale of lighter character (not bitter) and Poppels increases the tropical tones ...
2,25 €