Left Field Beer
Polly's Brew Co - Galaxy Daydream
We note it time and time again, but there are definitely lifeblood hop varieties that make Polly’s b ...tion as one of the highest rated breweries in the country with that first Galaxy Mosaic IPA back in those halcyon Loka Polly days, to the Mosaic Simcoe DDH IPA that we poured in front of our now- ...
We note it time and time again, but there are definitely lifeblood hop varieties that make Polly’s b ...tion as one of the highest rated breweries in the country with that first Galaxy Mosaic IPA back in those halcyon Loka P ...
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Quaff Webshop
Polly’s Galaxy Daydream Pale Ale 5,8%
Pale Ale. Houblons : Galaxy, Mosaic, Simcoe. Une bière qui renferme trois des houblons les plus u ...ruits à noyaux juteux, mangue fraiche, ananas mûr et juste une touche dank (herbe humide) pour créer une Pale Ale mémorable. Brasserie Polly’s Origine Pays de Galles / Royaume-Uni Style Pa ...
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