Kirkstall Black Band Porter (Cask)
In celebration of Kirkstall Forge, the oldest forge in England, and named after the giant press that ... was at the heart of the operation. A full bodied yet beautifully smooth dark porter. Perfectly balanced flavours of chocolate and coffee enhanced by the mild herbal hop character. Deliciously dark.
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A well-rounded fruity porter, hoppy with strong notes of Rainier cherries. Red in colour with a swee ...t nose. A balanced finish results in a very easy-drinking beer.
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This beer is dark strong and well rounded; the richness of such a rotund beer is brought to an even ...keel by the late addition of Goldings hops and natural plum flavouring. Take the opportunity and go for the low hanging fruit, this sumptuous beer really is a plum
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Harrogate Brew Co Plum Porter (Cask)
Sweet plums mixed with chocolate malt to create a delicious, earthy porter.
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Yorkshire Heart Ghost Porter (Cask)
Well-rounded porter with fruity, sweet notes over a backdrop of Hoppy flavour. Deep red in colour
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Our classic Best Bitter. A malty and subtle fruit aroma gives way to a biscuity front with light cit ...rus notes and a balanced, bitter finish. Malty. Crisp. Balanced. A taste of Yorkshire.
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