The Beer Cellar
Pacific Coast Chop Hazy Double IPA 440ml
Braving the Chop is not for the faint of heart. This huge, hearty Hazy Double IPA is a decadent and ...triple dry hop of Mosaic, Riwaka and Huell Melon delivers a tsunami of vibrant citrus hop aromas. Expect to pick up note ...
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The Hamilton Beer & Wine Co
Pacific Coast Chop Double Hazy IPA 440mL
C H O P - H A Z Y D O U B L E I P A Braving the Chop is not for the faint of heart. This huge, hear ...we can get our hands on. A monstrous triple dry hop of Mosaic, Riwaka and Huell Melon delivers a tsunami of vibrant citrus hop aromas. Expect to pick up notes of pithy grapefruit and lime zest, ...
Out of Stock