Las Cervezas de Martyn SPONSOR
Esta es una cerveza de carácter nostálgico, que se elabora en conmemoración de los buenos tiempos pa ...llerbier» es la fina turbidez levadiza y el sabor agradablemente amargo. Al embotellarse sin filtrar, muchos de los elementos naturales de proteínas, levadura y lúpulo permanecen en la cerveza. E ...
3,06 €
Hopa Beer Denda
AYINGER Kellerbier Botella 50cl
3,25 €
Cask Chile
La naturalmente “nublada” Kellerbier se elabora en honor al fundador de la cervecería familiar, Joha ...bávaras. Siguiendo antiguas tradiciones, esta Kellerbier no es filtrada, por lo que proteínas naturales, levadura y elementos del lúpulo permanecen en ...
Kellerbier 50cl - Cerveza Alemania Fábrica: Ayinger Estilo: Lager ABV (Grados alcohol) N/A Color Rub ...a blanca y espesa con buena retención. Aroma a limón, hierbas, sorbete, cereales, pan blanco, ligeramente afrutado, manz ...
2,75 €
Destaca una fina turbidez aportada por la levadura y su agradable sabor amargo. Embotellada sin filt ...rar, conserva sus proteínas naturales, levadura y características del lúpulo Cervecería: Ayinger Estilo: Kellerbier Alcohol: 4,9% IBU: 24 Formato: 500ml
Ayinger Kellerbier 4,9% Đức – Chai 500ml
Bia Ayinger Kellerbier là loại bia không lọc, nguyên chất lên men đáy, màu sáng, hơi đục một cách tự ...ống nổi tiếng nhất của vùng Bavaria, được ủ để tưởng nhớ đến truyền thống tốt đẹp và để vinh danh người sáng lập nhà máy bia – Johann Liebhard. Độ cồn: 4.9 % abv Xuất xứ: Đức Phong cách ...
House of Ales
Ayinger Kellerbier (30L A-Type Keg)
This nostalgic beer specialty, which can be confidently ranked among the traditional old Bavarian be ...ohann Liebhard. The special feature of the “Kellerbier” is the fine yeasty cloudiness and the pleasantly bitter taste. As it is bottled unfiltered, many of the natural protein, yeast ...
This nostalgic beer specialty, which can be confidently ranked among the traditional old Bavarian be ...Liebhard. The special feature of the “Kellerbier” is the fine yeasty cloudiness and the pleasantly bitter taste. As it is bottled unfiltered, many of the natural protein, yeast and hop elements r ...
Cette spécialité de bière nostalgique, qui peut être classée en toute confiance parmi les vieilles b ...eur du fondateur de la brasserie, Johann Liebhard. La particularité de la « Kellerbier » est la fine nébulosité de levure et un goût agréablement amer. Comme elle est mise en bouteille sans filtr ...
1,93 €
Ayinger Privatbrauerei Kellerbier 50cl
Ayinger Privatbrauerei – Kellerbier 50cl This nostalgic beer specialty, which can be confiden ...s and in honor of the brewery’s founder, Johann Liebhard. The special feature of the “Kellerbier” is the fine yeasty cloudiness and the pleasantly bitter taste. As it is bottled unfiltered, many ...
3,15 €
NORD Bottle Shop
Unfiltered Lager. Light bodied with well balanced flavours of grassy hops and bready malt / 4.9% / 5 ...00ml
Bath Road Beers
Description 4.9%abv 500ml bottle Naturally unfiltered Keller-styled lager.
The Fine Wine Company
Ayinger, Kellerbier, 500ml Bottle
Monschoff Kellerbier is a fresh, yeasty amber lager that's great with big
The Belgian Beer Company
Strength: 4.9% ABV Size of Bottle: 50cl Beer Description: Ayinger Kellerbier is a light-coloured, ...naturally cloudy, bottom-fermented German beer. In 2014, it won a silver medal at the European Beer Star Awards. PLEASE NOTE THE SELL BY DATE IS JUNE 2023
Johnny’s Off License
Tipologia birra Artigianale Produttore Ayinger Regione Germania Stile Kellerbier Alcol 4,9% ...v formato 50 cl Confezione 1 Bottiglia
3,50 €
Cantina della Birra
Aying Brauerei Ayinger Liebhards Kellerbier
Caratteristiche e degustazioni ... Gusto prevalente Amaro ...
3,33 €
Keg, Cask & Bottle
This nostalgic beer specialty, which can be confidently ranked among the traditional old Bavarian be ...Liebhard. The special feature of the “Kellerbier” is the fine yeasty cloudiness and the pleasantly bitter taste. As it i ...
2,80 €
Great Grog
4.9% abv BAVARIA.Hazy pale golden. Bready malt aroma. Light bodied with wonderfully soft mouthfeel. ... The excellent maltiness with notes of butter is accompanied by grassy hops. Well balanced, very drinkable and very good. BOTTLE
Biershop Bayern
Ayinger Kellerbier - 9 Flaschen
Untergäriges, helles, naturtrübes Vollbier Diese naturtrübe Bierspezialit&au ...l;bung und angenehmen Bittere erinnert es an altbayerische Biersorten. Gebraut nach alter Tradition wird es nicht gefiltert. So bleiben ihm viele natürliche Eiweiß-, Hefe- und Hopfe ...
19,90 €
Quaff Webshop
Kellerbier. Lager à la robe paille trouble, légère et désaltérante. Bel équilibre entre notes de pa ...ans le prix). Ayinger : fondée en 1876 dans le village d’Aying à 30 km au sud de Munich, la brasserie familiale Ayinger a traversé les décennies, entre tradition et modernité. Une brasserie part ...
2,70 €
Craftbeer Shop
Das Ayinger Kellerbier lädt dazu ein, die Schönheit und Einfachheit eines traditionellen bayerischen ... Biers zu genießen.
2,29 €
House of Ales
This nostalgic beer specialty, which can be confidently ranked among the traditional old Bavarian be ...ohann Liebhard. The special feature of the ‘Kellerbier’ is the fine yeasty cloudiness and the pleasantly bitter taste. As it is bottled unfiltered, many of the natural protein, yeast ...
Drankenhandel Leiden /
Ayinger Kellerbier kunt u tegen een scherpe prijs bestellen en thuis laten bezorgen.
3,05 €
Beer Shop HQ
Country: DE | Style: Lager | Size: 500ml | %ABV: 4.9 This nostalgic beer specialty, which can be co ...d times and in honor of the brewery’s founder, Johann Liebhard. The special feature of the “Kellerbier” is the fine yeas ...
Cervezas Diferentes
-20% dto. fecha consumo preferente Octubre de 2.021 Cerveza elaborada al más puro estilo t ...o turbia, con presencia de la levadura por su falta de filtrado, y conserva el gusto a levadura, proteínas y lúpulo. Con un ligero y agradable amargor. El sabor de las tradicionales cervezas báva ...
2,75 €
3er Tiempo Tienda de Cervezas
Descripción Productor: Brauerei Aying Estilo: Kellerbier Color: Dorado Pálido % Alcohol: 4,9 Ca ...ntidad: 50 cl País: Alemania
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