Trzech Kumpli Ragnar Imperial Baltic Porter
A mass of chocolate and roasted malts, a lot of warming but well-arranged alcohol, coffee, chocola ...te, nuts, dried plums and bold bitterness that gets along with all this richness, but not as much as for in the end it will trample everything, only one that will fix everything nicely.
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Beer Butik
TRZECH KUMPLI - 26°Ragnar 0,33l can 10,7% alc.
Složení: Voda, ječný a pšeničný slad, chmel, kvasnice. Obsahuje lepek. Legislativní označení: ...Pivo tmavé silné. Dovozce: Ninabar s.r.o. Šimáčkova 3 62800 Brno
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Trzech Kumpli Ragnar Imperial Baltic Porter
Trzech Kumpli Ragnar online kaufen Bier-Daten ...stenmalz, Weizenmalz , Haferflocken , Zucker , Hopfen , Hefe Biersorte Imperial Baltic Porter ...
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