Berliner Weisse elaborada con pepinos y añejada en foeders. 4.3% ABV Formato: Lata 473ml
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Beer Republic
The Bruery Terreux Frucht: Cucumber
Frucht gets its complexity from a blend of Brettanomyces yeasts and Lactobacillus bacteria. We add C ...ucumber to give it a refreshing coolness, and age it in Oak foeders, making it as complex as it is light.
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The Bruery - Terreux Frucht: Cucumber
The Bruerys serie med fruktade Berliner Weisses har här fått en komplexietet genom blend av Brettano ...l ölen, för att sedan på ligga och mogna på ekfat, vilket ger den förhållandevis lätta ölen ett djup. ...
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La Mise en Bière
The Bruery - Terreux The Bruery - Frucht: Cucumber - 4.5% - 44cl - Can
Frucht gets its complexity from a blend of Brettanomyces yeasts and Lactobacillus bacteria. We add C ...ucumber to give it a refreshing coolness, and age it in Oak foeders, making it as complex as it is light.
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Cebada Malteada
Aunque de inicio suene extraña, es una cerveza que gana complejidad con una mezcla de levaduras Bret ...tanomyces y lactobacilos. El pepino le brinda frescura y complejidad, junto con las notas de madera del paso por foeders. Llena de sabor, efervescente y refrescante.
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Beer Manía
Berliner Weisse elaborada con pepinos y añejada en foeders.
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Una Botillería Más
Berlin-Style Wheat Ale c/ Pepinos y añejada en Foeders de Roble. ABV: 4.3% Frucht gana complejidad a ...frescura, ganando capas adicionales de complejidad a partir del tiempo que pasó en los foeders de roble. Sabroso, eferve ...
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Ang Mo Liang Teh
Flavorful, effervescent, crisp, cool. We can’t come up with enough adjectives to talk about this bee ...r. Frucht: Cucumber gains complexity and funk from time spent in our 250 bbl oak foeders. Our Bruers added fresh cucumbers to add coolness, which balances the natural tartness.
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The Bruery Frucht Cucumber Berliner Weisse
Frucht gets its complexity from a blend of Brettanomyces yeasts and Lactobacillus bacteria. We add C ...ight. Brewed in California, USA. The Bruery is a brewery specialized in stouts and sours of all sorts. ...
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