Beer Republic
Vanilla, Maple, and Sumatran Hoof Hearted Coffee.
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Hoof Hearted Brewing Fitness Freak
En riktigt krallig Impy. På 14% fullmatad med Vanilj, Lönnsirap och bryggerets egna “Sumatran ...Hoof Hearted Coffee”. En riktigt komplex och smakrik Imperial Stout.
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Craft Central
Hoof Hearted Brewing Fitness Freak
Vanilla, Maple, and Sumatran Hoof Hearted Coffee.
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Beschrijving Imperial Stout Vanilla, Maple, and Sumatran Hoof Hearted Coffee. Alc. 14% Inhoud 47 ...3 ml Canned 23-11-2021
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Hoof Hearted Brewing Fitness Freak Imperial Stout
Vanilla, Maple, and Sumatran Hoof Hearted Coffee. You've gotta move your body after finishing this ... one you fitness freak
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Best Of Beers
Hoof Hearted Brewing, Fitness Freak, Imp. Stout, Coffee, Vanilla, Maple Syrup, 0,473 l. 14,0%
Hoof Hearted Brewing
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Hoof Hearted - Fitness Freak - Imperial Pastry Stout
Fitness Freak von Hoof Hearted Brewing ist ein Imperial Pastry Stout mit 14% ABV. Gebraut wurde dies dicke cremige und tiefschwarze Vergnügen mit Vanille,
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Perennial Artisan Ales Fitness Freak
Imperial Stout, maustettu vaniljalla, vaahterasiirapilla, sumatralaisella Hoof Hearted –kahvilla.
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Onlygoodbeer - Csakajósör
Fitness Freak Hoof Hearted (USA) 0,473L - 14%
Selected beer: Fitness Freak | Hoof Hearted (USA) | 0,473L - 14% Further details: 0,473 ...L Imperial Coffee Stout made with Vanilla, Maple and Sumatran Hoof Hearted Coffee Country of origin: USA ABV: 14% Brewery: Hoof Hearted (USA) Deposit: none Your price: €12.94
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