Mister Hop
De complexiteit van dit bier is bijna ondenkbaar groot met allerlei verbonden elementen en een diepg ...ate'. Zo is de naam van de hoofdbrouwer 'Van' en droomt hij al tijden van een bier zoals deze. Welke klassieke Beierse mouten en hoppen gebruikt moesten worden, is tot in den treuren ...
4,50 €
Simplicity hides complexity. This classic Helles, crafted from Bavarian malts and hops, took endless ... research, decoction mashing, and six weeks of lagering. ...
3,99 €
De Biersalon
The Lager Paradox: Simplicity can be deceptively intricate. This classic Helles is the perfect nothi ...er (Van) has been having fever dreams about this beer for years. Endless research on classic Bavarian malts and hops, countless calls with masters of German brewing, two tanks of demineralized wa ...
4,69 €
The Lager Paradox: Simplicity can be deceptively intricate. This classic Helles is the perfect nothi ...ng-box beer. Brewed not because the world is begging for ...
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Burg Bieren Bierwinkel
Land: Nederlands bier Type: Pils / Lager Alcohol: 5,0% Inhoud: 44cl
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Dokter Bier
The Lager Paradox: Simplicity can be deceptively intricate. This classic Helles is the perfect nothi ...ng-box beer. We've brewed it not because the world is begging for it, but because our head brewer (Van) has been having fever dreams about this beer for ye
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Dramshop is de online winkel van Vinabc, dé Drankspecialist. Wij zijn als slijterij / drankspecialis ...t gevestigd in winkelcentrum Het Rond in Houten.
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