El Cervecero
Explosiva bomba de lúpulo Smash & Grab, una DIPA elaborada con lúpulos Citra, Simcoe, Sabro, Nel ...son Sauvin, Galaxy y Mosaic.
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Vocation Smash & Grab 8alc 44cl
Aquí te presentamos esta fantástica cerveza dipa inglesa elaborada por la marca de cerveza Vocation ...con una profundidad super interesante y un envolvente sabor dulzón proveniente de las maltas tostadas con las que esta cerveza de Inglaterra ha sido elaborada. ...
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Doble IPA al estilo de la Costa Este con fuertes explosiones de sabores a frutas tropicales y aroma ...s impactantes. Intrépida e irresistible de sabores cítricos y afrutados con un final suave y malteado.
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Smash & Grab 44cl - Cerveza Inglaterra Fábrica: Vocation Estilo: Imperial IPA ABV (Grados al ...IPA. Con lúpulos Citra BBC, Simcoe y Sabro junto con Nelson Sauvin, Galaxy y Mosaic BBC durante la fermentación, estos ajus ...
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Cantina della Birra
Caratteristiche e degustazioni ... Gusto prevalente Amaro ...
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Vocation Smash And Grab Lattina 44Cl
Cambiare le ricette classiche non è una decisione che prendiamo alla leggera, ma se riusciamo a mig ...liorare il gusto delle nostre birre lo faremo. La nuova versione della Smash & Grab è ora più vicino allo stile della costa orientale rispetto alla..
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Vocation Smash & Grab 44 Cl. (lattina)
Produttore: Vocation Brewery Stile: Imperial-Double IPA Sapore: Amaro Grado Alcolico: 8,50%
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Birre da Manicomio
La birra inglese Vocation Smash And Grab Double IPA senza peli sulla lingua. Gradazione estrema e co ...aro intenso che viene smorzato dai sapori tipici di agrumi tropicali e dei malti. La gradazione aiuta e confonde, rendendo questa birra un passaggio obbligato per gli amanti dei sapori forti! ...
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Vocation Smash & Grab Double IPA
BEB: 8/10/21 - An explosive hop bomb of a DIPA, brewed with Citra BBC, Simcoe, Sabro, Nelson Sauvin, ... Galaxy and Mosaic BBC hops. Fruit forward tropical aromas and flavor.
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East Coast Double IPA with heavy blasts of tropical fruit flavours and punchy aromas that are bound ...to make an impact. Get ready for an unstoppable force of ...
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Premier Hop
Vocation Smash & Grab DIPA 8.0%
Double IPA - HOPPY | BOLD | FRUITY We’ve never been ones to play it safe and this is no exception. O ...mas that are bound to make an impact. Fearless and irresistible, there’s nothing quite like it.Get ready for an unstoppa ...
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Origen: Inglaterra Estilo: Doble Ipa Formato: 440 ml. Graduación: 8%
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La Mise en Bière
Vocation Vocation - Smash and Grab - 8.5% - 33cl - Can
Smash & Grab is an explosive hop-bomb of juicy goodness. Crammed full of fruity tropical and citrus ...level. With smooth malty depths to match its huge hoppy highs, the finish is smooth, sharp and moreish. ...
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The Crú - The Beer Club
Smash & Grab is an explosive hop-bomb of juicy goodness. Crammed full of fruity tropical and ...e next level. With smooth malty depths to match its huge hoppy highs, the finish is smooth, sharp and moreish. ABV: 8.0% ...
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Ales & Co.
VOCAT Smash & Grab 12x440ml LAT
Smash & Grab, Double Ipa dall'intensa luppolatura che gioca su note citriche e di frutta tropica ...le.
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La mejor y más surtida tienda en línea para comprar cerveza artesanal, cerveza en barril, cristalerí ...a y accesorios cerveceros. Envíos a todo México.
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VOCATION BREWERY Smash & Grab 44cl
Nouveau format et nouvelle recette pour cette Double IPA.
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Craft Beers Delivered
Vocation Smash & Grab East Coast Double IPA
An East Coast style double IPA that certainly grabs and smashes your taste buds with heavy blasts of ... tropical fruit flavours and punchy aromas! Lots of fruity, citrus heaven in this one, all backed up with a smooth, malty finish...
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Vocation Smash & Grab lattina 44cl
Acquista online Birra Vocation Smash & Grab lattina 44cl al prezzo di 5,36 € euro. Double IPA ne ...lla versione Juicy, una vera esplosione di luppoli, frutta tropicale e agrumi freschi. Birra di grande equilibrio. La base maltata nasconde perfettamente l’alcool, invitando a berne un altro sorso.
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Bear’s House Toulouse
Vocation - Smash And Grab - DIPA - 44cl Can - 8.0°
Vocation - Smash And Grab - DIPA - 44cl Can - 8.0°
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Vocation Brewery - Smash & Grab
Smash & Grab is an explosive hop-bomb of juicy goodness. Crammed full of fruity tropical and cit ...ext level. With smooth malty depths to match its huge hoppy highs, the finish is smooth, sharp and moreish. ...
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Vocation - Smash & Grab - Hazy Double IPA
Smash & Grab von Vocation Brewery aus England ist ein Double India Pale Ale. Vocation's Double I ...PA im Ostküsten-Stil ist ein echter Volltreffer.
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Bierwinkel de Verwachting
| Double Ipa | 8% | 44cl blik | Engeland | Untappd 3,94 |
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The Great Beer Experiment
BEER STYLE: Double IPA BEER TYPE: Ale ALCOHOL: 8% VOLUME: 440 ml BREWERY: Vocation COUNTRY: Englan ...d, UK BREWERY TASTING NOTES: Our explosive hop...
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Cervezas del Mundo
Estilo: Doble IPA Color: Anaranjado, turbio. Origen: Inglaterra ABV: 8.0% IBU: Formato: Lata ...473cc
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Mas Que Cervezas
Ficha Técnica Nombre del Producto: VOCATION BREWERY SMASH & GRAB Categoría: Producto Descrip ...laborada con ingredientes seleccionados y un proceso de fermentación cuidado. Detalles Técnicos: ABV (Alcohol by Volume): 5.0% I ...
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