Veltins beer is a pilsner full of flavour, with hints of pistachio and honey this beer is very drinkable. Veltins themselves state that this beer is best enjoyed after sport but we liked it just as much on a Saturday afternoon with a BBQ! At just
calories, you can afford to have an extra burger whilst enjoying this light beer.
Alcohol Free Beers are made just like the alcoholic ones with water, yeast, hops and barley. Some are brewed to a lower ABV and some have the alcohol removed through various techniques. Across Europe beers below 0.5% ABV are classed as alcohol free. In the UK drinks that are between 0.05% and 0.5% ABV are classed as non-alcoholic. Less
Buy Veltins Alcohol Free Pilsner Beer 00ABV in Wise Bartender from £1.89