A bottle of beautiful cider, accompanied by a sachet of our sugar & spice mix, an ideal gift or treat, allowing your customers to make their own exquisite mulled cider at home. This year, we have our own bespoke blend from Oliver’s, made specifically
mulling with our spice & sugar mix. And, we’ve even managed to make the cost price over £2 less per kit this year, than last year! The recipe for our spice mix is based on an old Roman recipe (a Hippocras) for spicing wine; creating the perfect balance of warm, rich complexity, with comforting drinkability, including such spices as mace, galangal & dash of black pepper! Mulled cider is more drinkable than mulled wine, but also lower in alcohol. Less
Buy Olivers - Mulling Cider Kit 2023 in The Beerhive from £12.00