Craft & Draft
Jester King Brewery Citrus Froot Direct (Batch #2)
Esta ode aos cítricos do Texas tem notas de orangina, mimosa, madressilva, perfume de flor de laranj ...eira, cocktail de analgésicos e marmelada de laranja fermentada com Lactobacilos.
18,90 €
Beer Republic
Jester King Citrus Froot Direct
We brewed a dextrinous wort with raw wheat and flaked oats over a base of TexMalt San Jacinto 2-Row ...p of Ekuanot and Amarillo. Following primary, we refermented the beer with fresh, hand-juiced Dancy Mandarins & Hamlin Oranges from Orange Blossom Farm in Utopia, Texas west of San Antonio. W ...
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Beer Shop HQ
Jester King Citrus Froot Direct
Country: US | Style: India Pale Ale | Size: 750ml | %ABV: 6.6 From Jester King: We brewed a dextrin ...alt. We then pitched our mixed culture in stainless steel with a bio-trans dry hop of Ekuanot and Amarillo. Following pr ...
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Jester King - Citrus Froot Direct
Style: Farmhouse IPAABV: 6.7%Size: 750ML Farmhouse, dry-hopped India Pale Ale fermented with Hamli ...n oranges & Dancy mandarins. Unfiltered, unpasteurized, 100% bottle conditioned.
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Jester King Citrus Froot Direct
We brewed a dextrinous wort with raw wheat and flaked oats over a base of TexMalt San Jacinto 2-Row ...p of Ekuanot and Amarillo. Following primary, we refermented the beer with fresh, hand-juiced Dancy Mandarins & Haml ...
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Jester King Citrus Froot Direct Farmhouse IPA Fermented w Orange & Mandarin 750ml (6.6%)
Jester King, of Austin, Texas are one of the one of the legends of the US mixed fermentation scene a ... IPA with Texas Dancy Mandarins & Hamlin Oranges! Jester King brewed a dextrinous wort with raw wheat and flaked oat ...
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Brew Cavern
Jester King Citrus Froot Direct
Description Citrus Froot Direct. We brewed a dextrinous wort with raw wheat and flaked oats over a ...less steel with a bio-trans dry hop of Ekuanot and Amarillo. Following primary, we refermented the beer with fresh, hand-juiced Dancy Mandarins & Hamlin Oranges from Orange Blossom Farm in Ut ...
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Jester King Citrus Froot Direct Farmhouse IPA
IPA - Farmhouse | 6.6% ABV Commercial Description: We brewed a dextrinous wort with raw wheat and fl ...aked oats over a base of TexMalt San Jacinto 2-Row and Wildfire Pale Malt. We then pitched our mi...
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The Open Bottle
Jester King Citrus Froot Direct
We brewed a dextrinous wort with raw wheat and flaked oats over a base of TexMalt San Jacinto 2-Row ...p of Ekuanot and Amarillo. Following primary, we refermented the beer with fresh, hand-juiced Dancy Mandarins & Haml ...
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Half Time
Jester King Brewery Citrus Froot Direct
We crafted a dextrinous wort using raw wheat and flaked ...20;and Wildfire Pale Malt. Fermented in stainless steel with our mixed culture, we bio-trans dry hopped with E ...
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Cantina Brassicola Digitale
Jester King Citrus Froot Direct 75cl
Descrizione Jester King Citrus Froot Direct è una particolare Farmhouse IPA con aggiunta di mandari ...ocali ed ingenti quantità di luppoli Amarillo e Equanot. Dopo la fermentazione primaria ne viene innescata una nuova grazie all’aggiunta di spremuta di mandarino ed arance provenienti da ...
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Jester King Citrus Froot Direct Orange + Mandarin Hoppy Farmhouse Ale 2022 750ml
6.6% We brewed a dextrinous wort with raw wheat and flaked oats over a base of TexMalt San Jacinto ...dry hop of Ekuanot and Amarillo. Following primary, we refermented the beer with fresh, hand-juiced Dancy Mandarins & Hamlin Oranges from Orange Blossom Farm in Utopia, Texas west of San Anto ...
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Grape & Grain
Jester King Citrus Froot Direct 6.7% 750ml
Grape and Grain was founded in 2012 and has since gone on to be one of the most popular craft beer v ...enues in Melbourne. We started out as a bottle shop with a good range of craft beer and wines and quickly evolved, putting in a bar and having craft beer on tap.
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