With Clausthaler Lemon, the pioneer of non-alcoholic beer puts forward a sunny mix of 40% Clausthaler Classic and 60% lemonade. The tasty shandy is bottom-fermented and refreshing. It blends Clausthalers trademark hoppy lager taste with a vibrant,
finish, all presented in an inviting, light-golden color. Best enjoyed chilled on a hot summers day.
Alcohol Free Beers are made just like the alcoholic ones with water, yeast, hops and barley. Some are brewed to a lower ABV and some have the alcohol removed through various techniques. Across Europe beers below 0.5% ABV are classed as alcohol free. In the UK drinks that are between 0.05% and 0.5% ABV are classed as non-alcoholic. Less
Buy Clausthaler Lemon Alcohol Free Beer 05 ABV in Wise Bartender from £1.39