Wee Beer Shop
Brew Toon BubbaBrew Blueberry Bubblegum Sour
Description The can with the liquid centre! The latest addition to Brew Toon’s tuck shop seri ... gave it a grown up twist; loads of Scottish blueberries and blackcurrants packed into a thick, juicy sour! 6% 440ml can Contains barley, oats, wheat, lactose. ...
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Drink It In
The can with the liquid centre! The latest addition to our tuck shop series takes us to your dentist ...’s biggest foe - bubblegum! We took the classic blueberry bubblegum & gave it a grown up twist; shed-loads of Scottish blueberries & blackcurrants packed into a thick, juicy sour!
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Brew Toon Bubbabrew Blueberry (CANS)
The can with the liquid centre! The latest addition to our tuck shop series takes us to your dentist ...’s biggest foe - bubblegum! We took the classic blueberry bubblegum & gave it a grown up twist; shed-loads of Scottish blueberries & blackcurrants packed into a thick, juicy sour!
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