A superior alcohol free ale, less than 0.5%ABV, dark brown in colour with mahogany highlights and a lingering tight ecru head. The nose is malt forward and the beer is dry and satisfying. The dry malty character is an excellent complement to spicy
The bottle label is based on an advertising poster used by Samuel Smiths in the 1950s.
Alcohol Free Beers are made just like the alcoholic ones with water, yeast, hops and barley. Some are brewed to a lower ABV and some have the alcohol removed through various techniques. Across Europe beers below 0.5% ABV are classed as alcohol free. In the UK drinks that are between 0.05% and 0.5% ABV are classed as non-alcoholic. Less
Buy Alcohol Free Sams Brown Ale &x28;05 ABV&x29; in Wise Bartender from £2.09